[TiDB Community Honor Roll] July: Marching Towards MOA Together! June's New MOA List Announced

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Original topic: 【TiDB社区 荣誉榜】7月,一起朝MOA进军!6月新晋MOA名单公布

| username: TiDB社区小助手

In the past June, the community welcomed three new MOAs:boom:
These three teachers are very familiar to the community members and often bring us high-quality learning materials. The community column has become more prosperous thanks to their contributions! :clap::clap:
Heartfelt thanks! And congratulations to the three MOA teachers! :raised_hands:

They are:

:boom: Dai Xiaolei_Mars

Personal Introduction:

Dai Xiaolei, a four-time TiDB community MVA, 2021 MOA, Zhihu database head, TiDB Community Evangelist Committee member, TUG North China Leader

Evangelism Track:

Contributed 8 articles, gave 2 talks, click to visit personal homepage

Nickname Sharing Topic Type Details
Dai Xiaolei_Mars TiDB Table Design and Usage Specifications Technical Article 专栏 - TiDB库表设计和使用规范 | TiDB 社区
Dai Xiaolei_Mars TiDB Multi-Active Solution Technical Article 专栏 - TiDB多活方案 | TiDB 社区
Dai Xiaolei_Mars Database Optimization: Hardware Technical Article 专栏 - 数据库调优之硬件 | TiDB 社区
Dai Xiaolei_Mars Introduction and Practice of TiDB Statistics Technical Article 专栏 - TiDB统计信息原理简介与实践 | TiDB 社区
Dai Xiaolei_Mars TiDB Cluster Recovery: TiKV Cluster Unavailability Technical Article 专栏 - TiDB集群恢复之TiKV集群不可用 | TiDB 社区
Dai Xiaolei_Mars A Disk Usage Issue Caused by GC Not Working Due to TiCDC Exception Technical Article 专栏 - 一场由TiCDC异常引发的GC不干活导致的Tikv硬盘使用问题 | TiDB 社区
Dai Xiaolei_Mars How to Solve TiKV Scaling Down Issue? Technical Article 专栏 - TiKV缩容不掉如何解决? | TiDB 社区
Dai Xiaolei_Mars Discussion on New Features of TIDB 6.0: Clinic Technical Article 专栏 - TIDB 6.0新特性漫谈之Clinic | TiDB 社区
Dai Xiaolei_Mars BOOK Rush 6.0: Sharing How to Write Valuable Articles Talk Invited by PingCAP to participate in the TiDB 6.0 BOOK RUSH live sharing event, sharing experiences as a TiDB 6.0 user and writer
Dai Xiaolei_Mars What Kind of Database Do You Really Need? Talk For graduates of training institutions, introducing NewSQL and its representative TiDB database

MOA Declaration:

Based on open source, embrace open source, contribute to open source, and hope to continue to shine together with everyone in TUG.

:boom: ShawnYan

Personal Introduction:

Yan Shichao, TiDB community 2022 MVA, TiDB Community Evangelist Committee member, with many years of experience in financial business database development and operation, MySQL 5.6 OCP, PCTP certified, first batch of PCTA v6 certified.

Evangelism Track:

Contributed 9 articles, gave 1 talk, click to visit personal homepage

Nickname Sharing Topic Type Details
ShawnYan 10 min TiDBer Talk Talk 10min TiDBer Talk | 求职季来了,来聊聊关于 TiDB 认证的那些事 - TiDB 的问答社区
ShawnYan [Exam Guide] New PingCAP PCTP Certification Exam Technical Article 专栏 - 【备考指南】新版 PingCAP PCTP 认证考试 | TiDB 社区
ShawnYan Review and Learn: Summary of mydumper & dumpling Knowledge Points Technical Article 专栏 - 温故知新 | mydumper & dumpling 知识点汇总 | TiDB 社区
ShawnYan Review and Learn: Essential Tool for TiDBer - TiUP Technical Article 专栏 - TiUP:TiDBAer 必备利器 | TiDB 社区
ShawnYan Interpretation of New Features in TiDB 6.0: Collation Rules Technical Article 专栏 - TiDB 6.0 新特性解读 | Collation 规则 | TiDB 社区
ShawnYan Interpretation of New Features in TiDB 6.0: TiFlash New Operators and Function Pushdown Technical Article 专栏 - TiDB 6.0 新特性解读 | TiFlash 新增算子和函数下推 | TiDB 社区
ShawnYan Interpretation of New Features in TiDB 6.0: Offline Package Changes Technical Article 专栏 - TiDB 6.0 新特性解读 | 离线包变更 | TiDB 社区
ShawnYan TiDB 6.0 Book Rush: TiDB and Python CRUD Application Development Practice Technical Article 专栏 - TiDB 6.0 Book Rush | TiDB 和 Python 的 CRUD 应用开发实践 | TiDB 社区
ShawnYan TiSpark v2.5 Development Practice Technical Article 专栏 - TiSpark v2.5 开发入门实践及 TiSpark v3.0.0 新功能解读 | TiDB 社区
ShawnYan Interpretation of New Features in TiDB 6.1: TiDB 6.1 MPP Implementation of Window Function Framework Technical Article 专栏 - TiDB 6.1 新特性解读 | TiDB 6.1 MPP 实现窗口函数框架 | TiDB 社区

MOA Declaration:

The TiDB community is an excellent platform, and I am honored to become a TUG community MOA. I believe the community will get better and better, attracting more quality TiDBers to share and communicate, and build the community together.

:boom: DataXiaoHei

Personal Introduction:

Zhang Tian, TiDB community 2022 MVA, Inspur Data Architect

Evangelism Track:

Contributed 9 articles, gave 1 talk, click to visit personal homepage

Nickname Sharing Topic Type Details
DataXiaoHei TiSpark On Kubernetes Practice Technical Article 专栏 - TiSpark On Kubernetes实践 | TiDB 社区
DataXiaoHei Analysis of TiSpark Data Writing Process (Source Code Analysis) Technical Article 专栏 - TiSpark数据写入过程解析(源码解析) | TiDB 社区
DataXiaoHei Development and Changes in Traditional Industry Data Architecture Technical Article 专栏 - 传统行业数据架构发展变化 | TiDB 社区
DataXiaoHei Migration Practice from TiSpark 2.4.1 (Spark 2.4.5) to TiSpark 2.5.0 (Spark 3.0.X/3.1.X) Technical Article 专栏 - TiSpark 2.4.1(Spark 2.4.5)到TiSpark 2.5.0(Spark 3.0.X/3.1.X)迁移实践 | TiDB 社区
DataXiaoHei Internal Presentation on TiDB Talk
DataXiaoHei Exploration of TiDB Server OOM Problem Optimization Technical Article 专栏 - tidb server的oom问题优化探索 | TiDB 社区
DataXiaoHei TiFlash 6.0 on k8s Scaling and New Feature Practice Technical Article 专栏 - tiflash 6.0 on K8s 扩容与新特性实践 | TiDB 社区
DataXiaoHei Scenario-Based Technical Architecture Process Based on TiDB - Theory Technical Article 专栏 - 基于 TiDB 场景式技术架构过程 - 理论篇 | TiDB 社区
DataXiaoHei Practice of New Features in TiSpark 3.0.0 Technical Article 专栏 - TiSpark 3.0.0 新特性实践 | TiDB 社区
DataXiaoHei TiDB 6.1 Single Machine Environment on openEuler 2003 SP3 Technical Article 专栏 - TiDB 6.1 单机环境 On openEular 2003 SP3 | TiDB 社区

MOA Declaration:

I am very happy to meet the friends in the TiDB community, and it is my honor to contribute to the community. TiDB, as a fully open-source distributed relational database ranked in the TOP100 of the db-engines list, has a promising future!

Once again, congratulations to the above three teachers for winning the TiDB community 2022 MOA! :sparkles:

How to Become an MVA & MOA?


Within one year (calendar year), make 3 or more multi-dimensional contributions to the TiDB community, and pass the review by the Evangelist Committee to be elected as the TiDB community annual MVA.


Within one year (calendar year), make 10 or more multi-dimensional contributions to the TiDB community, and pass the review by the Evangelist Committee to be elected as the TiDB community annual MOA.

Multi-dimensional Contributions Include:

Ti Can Speak:

  • Serve as a speaker at TiDB community events online or offline
  • Participate in other community events and speak about TiDB products or the TiDB community online or offline
  • Represent the TiDB community in external presentations
  • Teach TiDB public courses as a certified instructor
  • Participate as a special guest in moderator exchange meetings

Ti Can Write:

  • Publish technical articles related to TiDB
    • Requirements: 1500+ words, complete structure, clearly explain technical points

What Are the Benefits of MVA & MOA?

MVA Benefits:

  1. Exclusive TiDB Technical Evangelist CPU Keychain
  2. Experience Points & Points Reward 300 points
  3. Customized MVA Medal
  4. Peripheral Gifts
  5. New Course Beta Qualification (No Review)
  6. Devcon Ticket (Single Ticket)

MOA Benefits:

  1. Experience Points & Points Reward 500 points
  2. Customized MOA Medal
  3. Holiday Gift Box
  4. PCTP Certification Once
  5. Community Peripheral Blind Box 5-piece Set
  6. New Course Beta Qualification (No Review)
  7. Community Event Speaker
  8. Devcon Ticket (Multiple Tickets)

Appendix: 2022 MOA & MVA Honor Roll for January to June

2022 MOA

2022 MVA

:raised_hands: Let’s strive for MOA together this July! :muscle::muscle:

| username: 数据小黑 | Original post link

I am very honored to be elected as MOA together with Teacher Dai and Brother ShawnYan!

| username: 边城元元 | Original post link

Masters, I am in awe.

Brother Xiao Hei, your signature is even more impressive! “Holder of PCTA V6 0001 Certificate”

| username: Kongdom | Original post link

Worshiping the great master 0001~~~

| username: 张雨齐0720 | Original post link

Learn from the highly productive experts.

| username: Jiawei | Original post link

Respect to all the experts.

| username: Hi70KG | Original post link

I worship all the experts here.

| username: 代晓磊_Mars | Original post link

Strong, strong, strong

| username: seiang | Original post link

I admire all of you experts.

| username: HHHHHHULK | Original post link

Getting more impressive, it’s only July and there are already several MOAs~