[TiDB Community Honors] The Second Batch of MOA&MVA for 2024 Announced! 24 TiDB Community Evangelist Pioneers Elected!

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Original topic: 【TiDB 社区荣誉】2024 年第二批 MOA&MVA 揭晓!24 位 TiDB 社区布道师先锋当选啦!

| username: 社区小助手

:love_letter: I’m very happy to see that this year, more new friends have joined the TiDB community, and the community column has become more prosperous. In the first half of this year, the TiDB community column received 213 high-quality articles!

More and more TiDBers are sharing their best practices and pitfalls through writing articles, enhancing the influence of TiDB and the TiDB community through public speaking, connecting more regional tech people by organizing local events, helping more TiDBers, and contributing to the development of domestic databases!

The MOA/MVA honors of the TiDB community will be awarded to these lovely and respectable TiDB evangelists! Let’s take a look at the contributions of these evangelists and their messages to the TiDB evangelists. We also look forward to more TiDBers contributing their wisdom, sharing insights and experiences, and building a more prosperous and beneficial TiDB community together!

Next is the moment to reveal the second batch of MOA&MVA for the TiDB community in 2024! Congratulations to the following teachers! :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:


2024 MOA Winner: @ShawnYan

Personal Introduction:

Shawn Yan, TiExplorer

MOA Declaration:

Building a better TiDB community together

Evangelism Records:

Number of Contributions: 13

  • Number of Articles: 13

2024 MOA Winner: @WalterWj

Personal Introduction:

Pingkai Star Technology Support, a frontline worker

MOA Declaration:

TiDB yyds, let’s all use it together!!

Message to TiDB Community Evangelists:

TiDB yyds, let’s all use it together!!

Evangelism Records:

Number of Contributions: 12

  • Number of Articles: 12


2024 MVA Winner: @longzhuquan

Personal Introduction:

System architecture engineer at a financial company, with many years of frontline operation and development experience in the financial industry. Rich practical experience in domestic middleware and databases. Familiar with database planning and construction, overall IT application innovation, and open-source governance work. Assisted in the localization of multiple core systems.

MVA Declaration:

Thank you all for your support and recognition. Being awarded MVA is both an honor and an encouragement. Special thanks to the TiDB community for providing an excellent platform for technical interaction and exchange. In the future, I will continue to refine database-related technologies, strive to produce more research results and practical experiences that contribute to the industry. I also hope that more teams and individuals will gather on the TiDB community platform to share experiences, exchange and help each other, and make progress together!

Message to TiDB Community Evangelists:

The future technology path is full of challenges and opportunities. May we inspire each other and grow together in the TiDB community, drive progress with an innovative spirit, and embrace challenges with a cooperative attitude, working together to improve and enhance the service level of domestic database technology.

Evangelism Records:

Number of Contributions: 3

  • Number of Articles: 3

2024 MVA Winner: @Man Like the Wind

Personal Introduction:

Responsible for the operation and maintenance of the vehicle network system at Yadea Group, part-time DBA. Started using TiDB in 2021.

MVA Declaration:

I am honored to become an MVA of the TiDB community. The TiDB community is open, inclusive, and vibrant, the best distributed database open-source community in China, bar none. I will continue to improve myself, produce more articles, and progress together with the TiDB community. I look forward to TiDB getting better and better!

Message to TiDB Community Evangelists:

Thank you for your dedication and perseverance. May we witness the bright future of TiDB together!

Evangelism Records:

Number of Contributions: 3

  • Number of Articles: 3

2024 MVA Winner: @LingyunCloud

Personal Introduction:

Pre-sales solution architect at a technology company. A non-standard programmer who has coded, done operations, written solutions, and dealt with clients. Believes in tech geeks saving the world.

MVA Declaration:

MVA is not just a title but a spirit, a continuous passion for creation. In the TiDB MVA family, I will join hands with partners from all over the world to learn and grow together. I hope TiDB will continue to adhere to the principles of practicality, stability, and ease of use, constantly optimizing and improving, helping more developers and enterprises solve data processing and storage problems.

Message to TiDB Community Evangelists:

Continue to delve into the technical details of TiDB, constantly improving your professional skills and practical experience.

Evangelism Records:

Number of Contributions: 3

  • Number of Articles: 3

2024 MVA Winner: @Big Data Model

Personal Introduction:

Has a bit more understanding of manufacturing, banking, and telecommunications industries. Focuses on the evangelism of domestic database technology and the application practice of data asset construction.

MVA Declaration:

Thanks to TiDB, I hope TiDB can play a practical role in application practice and go further.

Message to TiDB Community Evangelists:

Domestic databases have a long way to go, and the practical application of DBAs is pushing domestic databases forward inch by inch!

Evangelism Records:

Number of Contributions: 3

  • Number of Articles: 3

2024 MVA Winner: @Lystorm

Personal Introduction:

I am a test development engineer. My current work is more focused on the underlying layer, and a large part of it is related to storage. Due to the need for information innovation, I started using TiDB in 2022. Due to the nature of my work, I am currently focusing on the TiKV storage part. I spent some time studying TiKV, read many articles from experts in the community, and also read the source code, benefiting greatly.

MVA Declaration:

I am honored to become an MVA of the TiDB community. I hope domestic databases get better and better!

Message to TiDB Community Evangelists:

Let’s move forward together and ignite our technical dreams.

Evangelism Records:

Number of Contributions: 3

  • Number of Articles: 3

2024 MVA Winner: @TiDB Learning Journey of Data Source

Personal Introduction:

Domestic database practitioner, likes to study various database technologies, including but not limited to database technology principles, distributed technology architecture, comparison of mainstream domestic databases, etc.

MVA Declaration:

I am very honored to become an MVA of the TiDB community. I have been in contact with TiDB for some time and am deeply attracted by its open-source and open concept. I wish TiDB more and more users and the TiDB community more and more prosperous!

Message to TiDB Community Evangelists:

Chasing dreams and creating an ecosystem!

Evangelism Records:

Number of Contributions: 34

  • Number of Articles: 34
Evangelism Type Evangelism Records
Article Before a Colleague Finished a Cigarette, I Deployed a TiDB Cluster
Article Understanding TiDB’s TTL Function
Article PingCAP Becomes the First Chinese Independent Database Vendor Rated as Gartner Cloud Database “Customer Choice”
Article Comparison of Amazon Aurora and TiDB
Article HTAP Implementation in Mainstream Domestic Databases, TiDB is the Earliest and Deepest
Article Why Did Pinterest, the World’s Largest Image Social Network, Abandon HBase and Switch to TiDB
Article After Reading This Article, Don’t Compare TiDB and MySQL Performance Anymore
Article Does TiDB’s Online DDL Operation Affect Business?
Article Databases Shouldn’t Blindly Look at General Benchmark Tests, There’s More Important Stuff
Article How is TiDB’s Automatic Data Balancing Achieved?
Article Analysis of a Node Without a Leader
Article Trying the New Version of TiDB Enterprise Manager TEM 2.1.3
Article Exploring TiDB’s Advantages from Typical Cases in the Financial Industry
Article Overview of Index Types in TiDB
Article What Does the Launch of TiDB in Hangzhou Bank’s Core Mean from the Perspective of Bank Asset Scale?
Article Overview of TiDB’s Data Comparison Tool sync-diff-inspector
Article Chaos Testing TiDB Database with Databench-c from CAICT
Article Overview of TiDB’s Execution Plan Binding Function
Article Overview of TiDB’s Backup and Recovery Capabilities
Article Familiarizing with TiDB Operation and Maintenance Tool TiUP (Part 2)
Article [Familiarizing with TiDB Operation and Maintenance Tool TiUP (Part 1)](https://
| username: 我是人间不清醒 | Original post link

TiDB is cool.

| username: 像风一样的男子 | Original post link

I’m still the most handsome Third Prince.

| username: jiayou64 | Original post link

Expert [666][666][666]

| username: Aionn | Original post link

Learning from the example, congratulations, congratulations.