[TiDB Community July Newsletter] "TiDB 6.x in Action" Released, TiFlash Development Adaptation Hands-on Tutorial, Source Code Analysis, TiDB Optimization and Tuning

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Original topic: 【TiDB 社区 7 月刊】《TiDB 6.x in Action》发布,TiFlash 开发适配手把手教学、源码解析,TiDB 优化调优…

| username: TiDB社区小助手

July Issue eBook Address: https://tidb.net/book/tidb-monthly/2022-07/

This issue of the TiDB Community Technical Monthly is divided into six sections: [Development Adaptation], [Principle & Feature Interpretation], [Troubleshooting & Diagnosis], [User Practice], [Community News], and [TiDB Certification]. It includes the release of “TiDB 6.x in Action,” hands-on teaching for TiFlash development adaptation, continuous updates on source code analysis, TiDB optimization and tuning, and other exciting content!

Thanks to the creators of this month’s content!

July Issue Table of Contents:

Answer: Which Articles Can Be Included in the Technical Monthly

Technical articles published in the [Column] in the previous natural month must meet the originality requirements and be screened by the Evangelist Committee based on dimensions such as guidance and innovation to be included in the technical monthly.

Benefits for Monthly Co-creators

Authors whose articles are included in the monthly issue will receive community points rewards: 300 points (automatically synchronized to your community account).