[TiDB Community June Newsletter] Interpretation of TiDB 6.1 New Features, Introduction to TiSpark v2.5 Development Practice and Interpretation of TiSpark v3.0.0 New Features, Wenpan Rust Series

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Original topic: 【TiDB 社区 6 月刊】TiDB 6.1 新特性解读,TiSpark v2.5 开发入门实践及 TiSpark v3.0.0 新功能解读,文盘 Rust 系列…

| username: 社区小助手

June Issue eBook Link: https://tidb.net/book/tidb-monthly/2022-06/

Thanks to the creators of this month’s issue!

June Issue Table of Contents:

Product Updates

  • TiDB v6.1.0 Release Notes
  • TiSpark 3.0.0
  • TiSpark 3.0.1
  • TiDB 5.4.2 Release Notes

Development Adaptation

  • Exclusive TiDB Usage Guide for Application Developers Released! | TiDB Community
  • [Become a TiFlash Contributor in Ten Minutes] Must-Know TiFlash Function Pushdown

Principles & Feature Interpretation

  • Compiler-Oriented Automatic Vectorization Acceleration in TiFlash
  • TiFlash Source Code Interpretation (Part 4) | Design and Implementation Analysis of TiFlash DDL Module
  • TiDB v6.0.0 DMR Source Code Reading—Cached Tables

Troubleshooting & Optimization

  • TiFlash Crash Issue After Deleting Columns in Clustered Index Tables
  • TiCDC Panic Issue When Upgrading from Certain Old Versions to New Versions
  • Pitfall Guide: Locating the Issue of TiKV IO-Util Approaching 100% in Production Environment
  • Overview of TiDB Performance Optimization
  • OLTP Load Performance Optimization Practices
  • Detailed Explanation of Important Monitoring Indicators on the Performance Overview Panel
  • TiDB Performance Analysis and Optimization
  • The Long Exploration of Upgrading TiDB Monitoring to Solve Panic Issues

User Practices

  • Discussion on New Features of TiDB 6.0: Clinic
  • Practical Application of TiCDC canal_json
  • Steps to Scale Down TiKV in Production TiDB Cluster
  • Wenpan Rust—Subcommand Prompt to Improve User Experience
  • TiSpark v2.5 Development Practice and New Features Interpretation of TiSpark v3.0.0
  • Have You Encountered These Pitfalls? Be Cautious When Creating Indexes on Time-Type Columns
  • Interpretation of New Features in TiDB 6.1 | TiDB 6.1 MPP Implementation of Window Function Framework
  • Practical Application of New Features in TiSpark 3.0.0
  • First Experience with TiCDC 6.0 in TiDB
  • Comprehensive Understanding of 13 Questions About Compaction
  • Wenpan Rust—Adding Logs to Programs

Community Dynamics

  • Community Event Previews
  • Highlights of June Events
  • June Community Honorary Members
  • Contributor Dynamics

TiDB Capability Certification

  • Exam Schedule
  • Course Introduction and Recommendations

Answer: Which Articles Can Be Included in the Technical Monthly

Technical articles published in the [Column] in the previous natural month need to meet the originality requirements and can be included in the technical monthly after being screened by the Evangelist Committee based on dimensions such as guidance and innovation.

Benefits for Co-Creators of the Monthly

Authors whose articles are included in the monthly will receive community points rewards: 300 points (automatically synchronized to your community account).