TiDB Keeps Running Out of Memory (OOM)

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Original topic: tidb不停oom

| username: Hacker_gMfpb5q8

【TiDB Usage Environment】Production, Testing, Research
【TiDB Version】
【Encountered Problem】
【Reproduction Path】Operations performed that led to the problem
【Problem Phenomenon and Impact】


Please provide the version information of each component, such as cdc/tikv, which can be obtained by executing cdc version/tikv-server --version.

| username: Kongdom | Original post link


| username: CuteRay | Original post link

Provide some information, such as logs and monitoring. We are not fortune-tellers and cannot predict things.

| username: Hacker_gMfpb5q8 | Original post link

All TiDB nodes are frantically logging:

Logs from one of the TiKV nodes:

| username: Kongdom | Original post link

April 4, 2022?

| username: Hacker_gMfpb5q8 | Original post link

Well, it’s an issue that has existed for a long time. Upgrading from version v5.2.1 to v5.2.2 doesn’t seem to fix it either, so it can only be used temporarily.

| username: CuteRay | Original post link

If TiDB encounters an OOM (Out of Memory) issue, there will be keywords in the logs. Find the location of the OOM and check the context around it.

| username: Hacker_gMfpb5q8 | Original post link

The image is not visible. Please provide the text you need translated.

| username: TiDBer_jYQINSnf | Original post link

Provide the current logs for TiDB. If it keeps encountering OOM (Out of Memory) issues, look for the logs at the time of the OOM events.

| username: CuteRay | Original post link

The TIME_COP_PROCESS that keeps appearing in TiDB indicates there are slow queries, which is why it keeps showing up. As for the OOM issue you mentioned later, do you have any information from the logs preceding this entry? Look for error or warning messages.

| username: wakaka | Original post link

According to the slow query, check how much memory is being used by sorting by memory usage.

| username: Billmay表妹 | Original post link

Please describe the issue according to this problem template~
It will be more efficient if you explain everything at once.

| username: Hacker_gMfpb5q8 | Original post link

It has been said repeatedly, the content is consistent, don’t worry about the time.

| username: Hacker_gMfpb5q8 | Original post link

Looking for OOM logs? It’s clearly a GC issue, a raft bug. Are you a source code developer?

| username: Hacker_gMfpb5q8 | Original post link

It’s just constantly refreshing, even when there’s no load. Do you have time to share your screen and take a look together?

| username: TiDBer_jYQINSnf | Original post link

I’m not an official person. You keep saying OOM, and you post logs from a few months ago? That’s ridiculous. If you know it’s a GC issue, then adjust it. Why are you asking here if you’re so capable? What does GC have to do with Raft? Although I haven’t contributed much to the official source code, I’ve read almost all the code for TiKV, RocksDB, and PD. Why is it so difficult for you to post a log? I’m just an enthusiastic community member and have no obligation to solve your problems. You ask a question but don’t post logs or provide monitoring data. When asked for logs, you have all sorts of issues. In the future, solve your problems by reading the documentation yourself.

| username: TiDBer_jYQINSnf | Original post link

Before, there was no problem with continuous refreshing, but now it’s causing an OOM (Out of Memory) error. So, what logs should you look for if not the current ones? The term “time_cop_process” means that the coprocessor is taking too long to process, indicating you have slow queries. If it keeps happening, it will keep refreshing. This is not the root cause of the OOM. The OOM is definitely due to a sudden increase in memory usage or memory usage exceeding the limit, so you need to check the current logs.

| username: system | Original post link

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