TiDB Practice on Kubernetes - Deployment篇

This topic has been translated from a Chinese forum by GPT and might contain errors.

Original topic: k8s Tidb实践-部署篇

| username: dba小菜鸡-david

1 Background
With the full maturity of Kubernetes (K8s), more and more organizations are starting to build their infrastructure layer on a large scale based on K8s. However, considering the core position of databases in the architecture and the shortcomings of K8s in stateful application orchestration, many organizations still believe that running core databases on K8s carries high risks. In fact, running TiDB on K8s not only unifies the enterprise technology stack and reduces maintenance costs but also brings higher availability and security. I am willing to be the first to take the plunge. I will gradually proceed with K8s TiDB deployment, functional testing, performance testing, etc. Today is the first article - deployment.

2 TiDB Architecture

Simulate TiDB/PD/TiKV components with 3 nodes each. The K8s deployment is a 1 master 2 slave cluster. The final implementation is that each component replica of the TiDB cluster will be evenly distributed across the 3 K8s nodes, ensuring no node has multiple replicas of the same component. This relies on the automatic scheduling capabilities of K8s and the TiDB operator.

3 Component Configuration Details
Kubernetes Deployment
You can refer to Centos7安装k8s集群_centos 7 安装 no match for argument: iproute-tc-CSDN博客. There are many resources online, so I won’t go into detail here.

3.1 Configure Storage Class
The PD, TiKV, monitoring components, as well as TiDB Binlog and backup tools in the TiDB cluster, all need to use storage that persists data. Data persistence on Kubernetes requires using PersistentVolume (PV). Kubernetes provides various storage types, mainly divided into two categories: network storage and local storage. Here, I use local storage.

Local PV Configuration:

Sharing a disk filesystem by multiple filesystem PVs

Assume /mnt/disks is the provisioner discovery directory.

1. Format and mount

$ sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/path/to/disk 
$ DISK_UUID=$(blkid -s UUID -o value /dev/path/to/disk) 
$ sudo mkdir /mnt/$DISK_UUID 
$ sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/path/to/disk /mnt/$DISK_UUID

2. Persistent mount entry into /etc/fstab

$ echo UUID=`sudo blkid -s UUID -o value /dev/path/to/disk` /mnt/$DISK_UUID ext4 defaults 0 2 | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab

3. Create multiple directories and bind mount them into the discovery directory

for i in $(seq 1 10); do  
  sudo mkdir -p /mnt/${DISK_UUID}/vol${i} /mnt/disks/${DISK_UUID}_vol${i}  
  sudo mount --bind /mnt/${DISK_UUID}/vol${i} /mnt/disks/${DISK_UUID}_vol${i} 

4. Persistent bind mount entries into /etc/fstab

for i in $(seq 1 10); do  
  echo /mnt/${DISK_UUID}/vol${i} /mnt/disks/${DISK_UUID}_vol${i} none bind 0 0 | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab 

Deploy local-volume-provisioner

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pingcap/tidb-operator/master/examples/local-pv/local-volume-provisioner.yaml

If you use a different path for the discovery directory than in the previous step, you need to modify the ConfigMap and DaemonSet definitions.

Modify the volumes and volumeMounts fields in the DaemonSet definition to ensure the discovery directory can be mounted to the corresponding directory in the Pod:

Deploy the local-volume-provisioner program

kubectl apply -f local-volume-provisioner.yaml
kubectl get po -n kube-system -l app=local-volume-provisioner && \
kubectl get pv | grep -e shared-ssd-storage

You will see a total of 30 PVs output, 10 per node.

03 Configure TiDB Operator

You can install it via Helm as introduced on the official website.

4 Configure TiDB Cluster

Here is the tidb_cluster.yaml configuration file. Each component of TiDB/PD/TiKV can specify CPU/memory and other hardware resource isolation in the configuration file, similar to cgroup. Other database parameters can also be customized in the config.

apiVersion: pingcap.com/v1alpha1
kind: TidbCluster
  name: dba
  namespace: dba
  # ** Basic Configuration **
  #   # TiDB cluster version
  version: "v6.1.0"
  # Time zone of TiDB cluster Pods
  timezone: UTC
  configUpdateStrategy: RollingUpdate
  hostNetwork: false
  imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
  enableDynamicConfiguration: true
    baseImage: pingcap/pd
    replicas: 3
      cpu: "50m"
      memory: 50Mi
      storage: 50Mi
      cpu: "6000m"
      memory: 20Gi
    config: |
      lease = 3
      enable-prevote = true
    storageClassName: "shared-ssd-storage" 
    mountClusterClientSecret: true    
    baseImage: pingcap/tidb
    config: |
      split-table = true
      oom-action = "log"
    replicas: 3
      cpu: "50m"
      memory: 50Mi
      storage: 10Gi
      cpu: "8000m"
      memory: 40Gi  
    storageClassName: "shared-ssd-storage"
      type: NodePort
      mysqlNodePort: 30002
      statusNodePort: 30080

    baseImage: pingcap/tikv
    config: |
          capacity = "32GB"
    replicas: 3
      cpu: "50m"
      memory: 50Mi
      storage: 100Gi
      cpu: "12000m"
      memory: 40Gi    
    storageClassName: "shared-ssd-storage"
    mountClusterClientSecret: true  
  enablePVReclaim: false
  pvReclaimPolicy: Delete

  tlsCluster: {}

Key Parameter Explanation:

apiVersion: Specifies the API version. This value must be in kubectl apiversion.

kind: Specifies the role/type of the resource to be created, such as Pod/Deployment/Job/Service, etc.

metadata: Metadata/attributes of the resource, such as name, namespace, labels, etc.

spec: Specifies the content of the resource, such as container, storage, volume, and other parameters required by Kubernetes.

replicas: Specifies the number of replicas.

requests: Represents the minimum resource limits requested by the container at startup. The allocated resources must meet this requirement, such as CPU, memory. Note that the unit of CPU measurement is called millicores (m). The total CPU quantity of a node is obtained by multiplying the number of CPU cores by 1000. For example, if a node has two cores, the total CPU quantity of the node is 2000m.

limits: The maximum available value of the component’s resource limits.

storageClassName: Storage class, which must correspond to the class created in advance.



        type: NodePort

Service can be configured with different types according to the scenario, such as ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer, etc., and different types can have different access methods.

ClusterIP: Exposes the service through the internal IP of the cluster. When choosing this type of service, it can only be accessed within the cluster.

NodePort: Exposes the service through the node’s IP and static port. By requesting NodeIP + NodePort, a NodePort service can be accessed from outside the cluster.

If running in an environment with a LoadBalancer, such as GCP/AWS platform, it is recommended to use the LoadBalancer feature of the cloud platform.

5 Deploy TiDB Cluster

Create Namespace:

kubectl create namespace dba

Deploy TiDB Cluster:

kubectl apply -f tidb_cluster.yaml

6 Initialize TiDB Cluster
Mainly used to initialize account and password settings, and batch execute SQL statements to initialize the database.


apiVersion: pingcap.com/v1alpha1
kind: TidbInitializer
  name: demo-init
  namespace: demo
  image: tnir/mysqlclient
  # imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
    namespace: demo
    name: demo
  initSql: |-
    create database app;
  # initSqlConfigMap: tidb-initsql
  passwordSecret: tidb-secret
  # permitHost:
  # resources:
  #   limits:
  #     cpu: 1000m
  #     memory: 500Mi
  #   requests:
  #     cpu: 100m
  #     memory: 50Mi
  # timezone: "Asia/Shanghai"

Execute Initialization:

kubectl apply -f ${cluster_name}/tidb-initializer.yaml --namespace=${namespace}

7 Access TiDB Cluster

 kubectl  get svc -n dba

You can connect and access the cluster internally via the private network IP:

mysql  -uroot -P4000 -h -pxxx

External access to the cluster is as follows:

mysql  -uroot -P30002 -h  machine real IP -pxxx
| username: ShawnYan | Original post link

It is recommended to consolidate the article, adjust the format, remove watermarks, and publish it in a column.

| username: dba小菜鸡-david | Original post link

This is an article I posted on my own WeChat public account, directly copied with a watermark.

| username: yilong | Original post link

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