TiDB server node error: loopyWriter.run returning. Err: transport: Connection closing

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Original topic: tidbserver节点报错loopyWriter.run returning. Err: transport: Connection closing"

| username: Running

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| username: db_user | Original post link

Could you describe the background? Which version of TiDB are you using? What are the display results? Is the cluster status normal? Please send a screenshot.

| username: 啦啦啦啦啦 | Original post link

Refer to this:

| username: 履霜知冰 | Original post link

I encountered a similar error in version 5.0, which seemed to be a bug. The communication between components was normal, and I didn’t notice any impact. I’m not sure which version the original poster is using.

| username: Running | Original post link


| username: 啦啦啦啦啦 | Original post link

This bug probably hasn’t been fixed yet. I see it’s also present in version 6.1.

| username: Running | Original post link

How to get official confirmation or ask questions to the official team?

| username: Running | Original post link

  1. Version and cluster topology
  2. Error message

    Note: The business is currently running normally, but there are always similar error messages in the logs.
| username: Lucien-卢西恩 | Original post link

Hello, the issue has been received. The gRPC-related problem in version v6.1 has already been resolved. This log output does not actually affect the cluster. We will continue to monitor the progress of the issue’s resolution.
The fixed PR: tikv: fix "Got too many pings" GRPC error in PD-server follower by lysu · Pull Request #17885 · pingcap/tidb · GitHub
If possible, please provide the TiDB and Tilash logs at the time of the error for further analysis.

| username: Lucien-卢西恩 | Original post link

Hello, after analysis, the current alert does not affect the use of the cluster. The error logs might cause some confusion since they are reported as errors. An issue and a PR have already been submitted. You can follow the progress of the PR and help push for its merge into the main version by liking and commenting on GitHub. Thank you for your feedback. Thanks.

Issue: transport: Got too many pings from the client, closing the connection. · Issue #36861 · pingcap/tidb · GitHub
PR: *: reduce logs of too many pings by jackysp · Pull Request #36862 · pingcap/tidb · GitHub

| username: system | Original post link

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