【TiDB V5.X+, V6.X+】About the Audit Feature

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Original topic: 【TiDB V5.X+, V6.X+】关于审计功能

| username: MrDuin

It seems that the community version of TiDB does not have an audit function. Is there an open interface that users can use to customize it?
Using General Log has a significant performance overhead, just like MySQL. Who would enable General Log?

| username: TiDBer_Lee | Original post link

The audit feature is only available in the enterprise edition; it’s indeed difficult to implement this plugin in the community edition.

| username: MrDuin | Original post link

Do experts know if the enterprise edition is provided as a plugin or as a native integrated feature?

| username: 啦啦啦啦啦 | Original post link

You need to consult the enterprise edition support for this.

| username: MrDuin | Original post link

From the code structure of the TiDB server, it supports a plugin system.

| username: system | Original post link

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