[TiDB Wuhan Area Exchange Review, with PPT Download] What are the advantages of the distributed database TiDB compared to traditional databases? Share today's event gains and participate in the backpack raffle!

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Original topic: 【TiDB 武汉地区交流回顾,附 PPT 下载】vs 传统数据库,分布式数据库 TiDB 有哪些优势?分享今天活动的收获,参与双肩包抽奖!

| username: YY-ha

Live photos from Wuhan station: https://www.xxpie.com/m/album?id=6672504f9f002736c376ba3a&source=SHARE_LINK&r=4857

On June 22, the TiDB community visited Wuhan! This is our 6th offline exchange event in 2024. Thanks to He Ao, the technical leader of the Digital China TiDB team and TiDB community moderator, for organizing and preparing! Also, thanks to Mr. Tan from Fengchao Technology, Mr. Xiao Fei from Kerry Logistics, and the original TiDB R&D engineers for their wonderful sharing!

Download Area

Introduction to TiDB, comparison with traditional databases, strengths of TiDB, applicable scenarios, and product capabilities - Wei Wan.pdf (5.2 MB)
The power of TiDB’s ecosystem, how Digital China delivers TiDB, practical experiences from typical enterprise customers, and the latest technical explorations by the Digital China team - He Ao.pdf (2.6 MB)
The joys and sorrows of maintaining TiDB - Tan Pinxue.pdf (973.0 KB)
TiDB application directions and goals, global business scenario advancements - Xiao Fei.pdf (1.5 MB)

Join the Online Discussion! Limited-time Interactive Raffle!

Feel free to leave comments in this thread and share “What scenarios are you currently using TiDB for, what problems has TiDB solved for you, and what did you gain from today’s event?”

We will randomly select 3 lucky participants on July 1 to receive a TiDB community backpack!


Sharing Recap

Sharing Topic: Introduction to TiDB | Comparison with Traditional Databases, Strengths of TiDB, Applicable Scenarios, and Product Capabilities

Speaker: Wei Wan, a 6-year veteran TiDB R&D engineer, previously involved in TiFlash, currently responsible for TiCDC development, known in the community as the “Father of TiFlash.”

Wei Wan shared from a user perspective the problems and challenges of traditional databases, the advantages of distributed databases, an introduction to TiDB (applicable scenarios and capabilities, best practice cases, especially the comparison between TiDB and MySQL).

Sharing Topic: The Power of TiDB’s Ecosystem | How Digital China Delivers TiDB, Practical Experiences from Typical Enterprise Customers, and the Latest Technical Explorations by the Digital China Team

Speaker: He Ao, Technical Leader of the Digital China TiDB Team, involved in building Digital China’s TiDB business and technical system from scratch.

He Ao shared the construction process of Digital China’s TiDB business, practical experiences from typical enterprise customers using TiDB, and some of the latest technical explorations by the Digital China team.

Sharing Topic: Maintaining TiDB | Practical Experiences of TiDB in Fengchao Technology’s Payment and Delivery Business, Including Advantages, Disadvantages, Pitfalls, and Maintenance Experiences

Speaker: Tan Pinxue, Database Leader at Fengchao Technology Co., Ltd., a long-time user of TiDB since version 2.x.

Tan shared Fengchao Technology’s experiences and practices using TiDB since version 2.x, including 1. Advantages of TiDB 2. Disadvantages of TiDB 3. Daily maintenance issues 4. How to better use TiDB.

Sharing Topic: TiDB Application Directions and Goals | Thoughts on Advancing Global Business Scenarios

Speaker: Xiao Fei, Head of the Architecture Team at Kerry Logistics, TiDB Community Moderator.

Xiao Fei introduced the technical challenges faced by Kerry Logistics in the process of global business expansion, how to build solutions using TiDB’s product capabilities to adapt to global business expansion, and some thoughts on TiDB applications.

Event Highlights

| username: Kongdom | Original post link

Currently, TiDB is being used for membership analysis, and TiDB has solved the problem of big data analysis.

| username: Hacker_KOMZmkpV | Original post link

There are a large number of Oracle database migrations to domestic databases in the industry, and TiDB is one of the two main recommended databases.

| username: TiDBer_LM | Original post link

Currently testing the Xinchuang transformation.

| username: _未央7 | Original post link

The takeaway is that TiDB is an open-source distributed NewSQL database that supports Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) and Online Analytical Processing (OLAP). TiDB aims to provide MySQL-compatible ACID transaction support, high availability, and scalability in a distributed environment.

| username: TiDBer_x9IhCSTC | Original post link

When reporting a large amount of device data, you can bypass the message queue and store it directly.

| username: haowenzhu | Original post link

Trust, security, pooling, elasticity, high reliability.

| username: TiDBer_JQHu5exZ | Original post link

In the financial industry, we are currently planning to migrate the system from Oracle to TiDB. Considering the growth of relational database data, it is quite challenging to handle statistical data after sharding. We are interested in TiDB’s range sharding and the automatic splitting and merging of regions. Are there any experienced individuals who can share their insights?

| username: TiDB_C罗 | Original post link

Synchronize MySQL data, use MySQL as a replica, and merge database scenarios.

| username: TiDBer_IegFGcvR | Original post link

Great event, domestic databases are really making progress.

| username: 虫儿飞_武汉 | Original post link

As a newbie to TiDB, currently in the testing and validation phase…

| username: TiDBer_ZDmslPwe | Original post link

We are currently transforming the existing monolithic database architecture into a distributed database architecture based on TiDB and are in the testing phase. Wishing the TiDB community continued success and increasing popularity. :fire::fire::fire:

| username: 草木小白 | Original post link

This is the first time I’ve encountered such a nice community. From introductory courses to real-world business practice, I’ve been applying what I’ve learned bit by bit in my work. Thanks to the TiDB team.

| username: tidb狂热爱好者 | Original post link

From introductory courses to practical business applications, gradually practicing in work, thanks to the TiDB team.

| username: dss507137 | Original post link

Great domestic database event! Thumbs up!

| username: dss507137 | Original post link

Great event! I hope to participate again next time.

| username: TiDBer_m8ViOS1i | Original post link

Having used TiDB since version 2.X, I hope to smoothly upgrade to version 7.X this year! The event was organized wonderfully, thanks to the TiDB team!!