[TiDBer Chat Session 109] Do you have any tips and tricks for cost reduction and efficiency improvement using TiDB? ✨

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Original topic: 【TiDBer 唠嗑茶话会 109】你有没有一些使用 TiDB 进行降本增效的锦囊妙计?:sparkles:

| username: TiDB社区小助手

Changes in the market environment and technological advancements are prompting enterprises to explore ways to reduce costs and increase efficiency. In the process of using and exploring TiDB, do you have any good suggestions for cost reduction and efficiency improvement to share with everyone? :blush:

This Topic:

Do you have any tips and tricks for using TiDB to reduce costs and increase efficiency? :sparkles:

Participation Rewards:

Leave your cost reduction and efficiency improvement suggestions in the comments section to earn 30 points & experience!

Event Duration:

2024.3.1 - 2024.3.8

| username: tidb菜鸟一只 | Original post link

The best way to reduce costs and increase efficiency is to lay off employees.

| username: Jolyne | Original post link

Cloud computing, data compression

| username: Kongdom | Original post link

:yum: I’m here to see other people’s tips and tricks.

| username: TiDBer_小阿飞 | Original post link

Choose the right DB for the right scenario. Based on business needs and cost-effectiveness, select the appropriate database type and technology. For example, for certain non-relational data, consider using open-source NoSQL databases to reduce costs and increase flexibility.

| username: Mickyun | Original post link

Hire a third party for operations and maintenance, hahaha.

| username: xingzhenxiang | Original post link

I’m here to learn.

| username: danghuagood | Original post link

Currently, I can’t think of any good cost-saving methods, so I’m here to learn secretly.

| username: Jellybean | Original post link

Either people or machines. It’s hard to discuss human topics, but we can definitely delve into machines and business.

Based on TiDB’s multi-business integration, multi-tenancy, and resource control architecture, businesses can use resources during off-peak times to maximize resource utilization.

| username: DBRE | Original post link

Currently, there are restrictions on integrating TiDB; the cost is too high, hahaha.

| username: Jellybean | Original post link

A cluster can be used by multiple businesses together, and on average, there is considerable room for cost reduction.

| username: 路在何chu | Original post link

You can reduce the number of machines and put everything on one.

| username: 半瓶醋仙 | Original post link

  1. Realistic energy efficiency integration improvement.
  2. Overtime, overtime, overtime…
| username: 江湖故人 | Original post link

Promote the cleanup of historical data.

| username: 昵称想不起来了 | Original post link

Limit usage, hahaha.

| username: 纯白镇的小智 | Original post link

Ensure resource smoothing by utilizing various idle machines.

| username: chenhanneu | Original post link

Multi-tenancy, resource limitation, and staggered usage.

| username: Fly-bird | Original post link

Deploying a TiDB cluster on Alibaba Cloud and replacing SSD disks with local disks can save at least 60% of storage costs.

| username: redgame | Original post link

The companies I have seen, the more they cut, the more they lose.