[TiDBer Chat Session 27] What kind of users and in what scenarios would use Alibaba Cloud's TiDB?

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Original topic: 【TiDBer 唠嗑茶话会 27】大家觉得什么样的用户,什么样的场景下,会去使用阿里云的云数据库 TiDB呢?

| username: Billmay表妹


At this point, you might hear some friends complaining:

It’s a bit expensive, it’s better to deploy it yourself,

The money for the configuration can buy a physical machine~ etc. We’ve received quite a few complaints, so let’s brainstorm together!

This Topic

What kind of users and scenarios do you think would use Alibaba Cloud’s cloud database TiDB?

What are the profiles of these users who would buy it? Let’s brainstorm.

For example, wanting to use TiDB but not having enough DBAs?

When businesses face uncertainty, most companies focus on cash flow,

When considering operational costs, or even during major layoffs,

Using TiDB on Alibaba Cloud has a lower initial cost,

It can flexibly respond to business dynamics, and because it receives service guarantees from both TiDB and Alibaba Cloud, it can ensure business continuity.

Let’s see the replies from the moderators?


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ps. Congratulations :tada::tada: @啦啦啦啦啦 @Kongdom @ShawnYan for accumulating 9 times in the top 3 likes, @caiyfc @索隆爱喝酒 for accumulating 7 times in the top 3 likes, @hey-hoho @mliaukz @TiDBer_杨龟干外公 @TiDBer_pig for accumulating 4 times in the top 3 likes, @CuteRay @TiDBer_dog @数据小黑 @yangchao909 @whymalin @TiDBer_徐川 for accumulating 3 times in the top 3 likes, @pupillord @Billmay表妹 @lxzkenney @半瓶醋仙 @xfworld @TiDBer_sao游 for accumulating 2 times in the top 3 likes, @TiDBer_jYQINSnf @Hacker_ZdnQFYP1 @Myth @HHHHHHULK @Hi70KG @tidber_桃 @JiekeXu @seiang @孙晨航11 @buddyyuan @张雨齐0720 @reboot @边城元元 @dapan3927 @MyronWang @望海崖2084 for accumulating 1 time in the top 3 likes.

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Looking forward to your insights :two_hearts:!

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| username: xfworld | Original post link

  1. No sensitive data, no private data, no need to consider third-party data regulations.

  2. Maintenance-free, solving the issues of personnel reserves and knowledge updates.

  3. No worries about the database’s inability to scale resources elastically, suitable for scaling up and down in businesses with massive data waves.

That’s all for now~ :love_you_gesture:

| username: 数据小黑 | Original post link

  1. No local operation and maintenance team, or the team is relatively weak.
  2. Need for elastic resource scaling, with batch business launches.
  3. Users already on Alibaba Cloud.
    I agree with @xfworld’s viewpoint.
| username: Billmay表妹 | Original post link

If the following industry pain points can be resolved:

Cloud Service Industry Pain Points Study Notes - Cousin

Users will have the opportunity to purchase~

| username: Hacker007 | Original post link

Startup company
Traditional companies have small IT teams
New team, tight project deadlines

| username: ddhe9527 | Original post link

  1. Don’t want to build a data center, don’t want to maintain infrastructure.
  2. Non-financial, no regulation, no sensitive data.
| username: TiDBer_CQ | Original post link

Based on previous cloud migration cases, here are the characteristics of users and business scenarios that might use the cloud database TiDB:

  1. Rapid data growth;
  2. The company has a strategic plan for business cloud transformation;
  3. Insufficient database maintenance personnel;
  4. A significant amount of data is from non-sensitive systems;
  5. Companies with substantial financial resources and ample construction funds.
| username: lxs_data | Original post link

Personally, I think it is suitable for companies with insufficient database operation and maintenance capabilities, targeting internet businesses such as small e-commerce, gaming, live-streaming sales, and selling platforms. During peak business times, like 618, it can be scaled up or down at any time. The data belongs to the company, and there are no extremely strict data confidentiality requirements. It is suitable to use Alibaba Cloud’s TiDB or TiDB Cloud. It is more suitable for startup companies.

| username: LI-ldc | Original post link

Connecting the local data center with the cloud allows the local setup to meet daily operational needs, while during peak business periods, rapid scaling can be achieved on the cloud. This is typically used by e-commerce platforms and similar businesses.

| username: ShawnYan | Original post link

For teams with high demands for elasticity, rapid scaling up or down.

| username: Myth | Original post link

I personally think some new companies with good prospects (and money) need to quickly adapt to business development needs due to incomplete staffing.

| username: 啦啦啦啦啦 | Original post link

Companies with rapidly growing businesses but insufficient technical reserves.

| username: 孙晨航11 | Original post link

With rapid business expansion, operations cannot keep up. The data is not too sensitive, but progress is particularly important. They are not very keen on investment either, so it’s just about right…

| username: HACK | Original post link

There is no sensitive data, after all, putting our own data on the public cloud still feels a bit uncomfortable.
We don’t want to invest too much effort in managing the database.
For fine-grained management of operational costs, pay for what you use.

| username: 西伯利亚狼 | Original post link

  1. Startups of a certain scale adopt cloud databases to save hardware costs.
  2. Startups lack professional operations and maintenance, so cloud databases are safer and more stable compared to self-hosted servers.
  3. The company has its own hosted servers and databases, but during temporary business peaks, it considers using cloud servers and cloud databases for elastic emergency response, and releases them after the peak, which can relatively reduce expenses and is more flexible.
| username: 西伯利亚狼 | Original post link

State-owned enterprises and other data-sensitive companies generally do not choose cloud databases, or they do not choose databases on Alibaba Cloud. In some cases, they might opt for products from Huawei Cloud, Unisplendour Cloud, etc., for reasons that are well understood.

| username: TiDBer_pFFcXLgY | Original post link

A company with few people and a lot of work.

| username: TiDBer_dog | Original post link

When small businesses have few people but a lot of work.

| username: 阿福Chris | Original post link

You can sell it to Alibaba’s businesses, such as Taobao, Ant Financial, online banking, etc., and let them experience TiDB:grimacing:

| username: langpingtan | Original post link

There is a leader who understands TiDB.