[TiDBer Chat Session 28] TiDB 6.0 Book Rush is About to be Completed, Come and Help Name the "Upcoming TiDBer Child"!

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Original topic: 【TiDBer 唠嗑茶话会 28】TiDB 6.0 Book Rush 即将完成,快来为“为即将出生的 TiDBer 共同孩子 ”取一个响当当的名字吧!

| username: TiDB社区小助手

TiDB 6.0 Book Rush Event is nearing its end, and we’ve reached the most important stage: Naming!

This Topic:

TiDB 6.0 Book Rush is about to be completed. Come and give a resounding name to the “soon-to-be-born TiDBer child”!

This TiDB 6.0 Book Rush is divided into six content modules: TiDB 6.0 Principles and Features, TiDB Developer Experience Guide, TiDB 6.0 Manageability, TiDB 6.0 Kernel Optimization and Performance Improvement, TiDB 6.0 Evaluation, and TiDB 6.0 Practical Use. For specific article content, see: TiDB 6.0 Book Rush! | TiDB Books

After reading, you are welcome to leave the name you think is most suitable in the comment section. We hope it is: expressive of the main theme, eye-catching, or creative.

We will select the most thoughtful book names from the comment section and initiate a vote next week. The book name with the highest number of votes will be the official name for this TiDB Book Rush.

Event Rewards:

Participation Award:

Participation reward: 50 points, 50 experience points

Book Name Adoption Award:

Tape Wireless Mobile Power*1


Ti Can Speak Badge Reward:

Top 3 with the most likes will receive a Ti Can Speak badge after accumulating 5 awards
ps. Congratulations :tada::tada: @啦啦啦啦啦 @Kongdom @ShawnYan for accumulating 9 times Top 3 likes, @索隆爱喝酒 for accumulating 8 times Top 3 likes, @caiyfc for accumulating 7 times Top 3 likes, @hey-hoho @mliaukz @TiDBer_杨龟干外公 @TiDBer_pig @TiDBer_dog @TiDBer_徐川 for accumulating 4 times Top 3 likes, @CuteRay @数据小黑 @yangchao909 @whymalin @xfworld @TiDBer_sao游 for accumulating 3 times Top 3 likes, @pupillord @Billmay表妹 @lxzkenney @半瓶醋仙 for accumulating 2 times Top 3 likes, @TiDBer_jYQINSnf @Hacker_ZdnQFYP1 @Myth @HHHHHHULK @Hi70KG @tidber_桃 @JiekeXu @seiang @孙晨航11 @buddyyuan @张雨齐0720 @reboot @边城元元 @dapan3927 @MyronWang @望海崖2084 for accumulating 1 time Top 3 likes.

Event Time:


Looking forward to your participation :two_hearts:~

Previous Recommendations:

Issue 26: Share the most rewarding article you’ve read recently~
Learned a lot~
Direct Link to Original Post

Issue 24: How to maintain your market competitiveness amid massive layoffs in various industries?
Guides from the experts~
Direct Link to Original Post

Issue 18: What are the must-read public accounts or website articles every week? Share your private collection~
A collection of treasure public accounts~
Direct Link to Original Post

Issue 17: Which papers made you exclaim “useful” & couldn’t help but slap your thigh? Share your recommendations!
Come and check out the papers, technical articles, and book giveaways in the comment section~
Direct Link to Original Post

| username: ShawnYan | Original post link

An In-Depth Look at TiDB v6

| username: Myth | Original post link

In-depth Understanding of TiDB 6.0 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

| username: Myth | Original post link

Inside TiDB 6.0

| username: 我是咖啡哥 | Original post link

Simple and elegant: TiBook :100:

| username: hey-hoho | Original post link

Echoing, TiDB 6.0 in action.

| username: 我是咖啡哥 | Original post link

If you include the version, it would be: TiBook V6

| username: LI-ldc | Original post link

The Way of TiDB (Know) :thinking:

| username: luzizhuo | Original post link

TiDB 6.x Community Co-Creation Practice Manual

It seems a bit long, haha. Let me explain in detail:

  1. Since this book is written by community users together, we really want everyone to know this as soon as they see the title.
  2. Besides the content of 6.0, users have already written content for 6.1, so we used 6.x.
| username: Hi70KG | Original post link

Effective TiDB 6.0
Explanation as follows:

1. A tribute to Effective C++
2. Effective TiDB 6.0, implying that TiDB 6.0 is just beginning to show its edge (modestly speaking here)
3. Effective TiDB 6.0 implies that this book can help you better master TiDB 6.0
4. Let everyone guess if the TiDB 7.0 Book Rush will be called More Effective TiDB 7.0


| username: TiDBer_pFFcXLgY | Original post link

The Authoritative Guide to TiDB 6.0

| username: xfworld | Original post link

TiDB Practice Guide

Harness the power of the collective, combine the strength of the network, apply practical experience, and produce a comprehensive guide.

| username: 啦啦啦啦啦 | Original post link

TiDB 6.x Guide

| username: ddhe9527 | Original post link

TiDB v6 Playbook

| username: fanruinet | Original post link

“TiDB Crash Course”

| username: BraveChen | Original post link

TiBook V6.0

| username: neolithic | Original post link

Fluent TiDB

| username: TiDBer_m6V1BalM | Original post link

TIDB 6.0 Thinks What You Think

| username: Mickyun | Original post link

TiDB 6.0 is just awesome.