[TiDBer Chat Session 31] Each Cluster's Heatmap is a Unique "Masterpiece", Come Share Your TiDB Heatmap!

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Original topic: 【TiDBer 唠嗑茶话会 31】每个集群的热力图就是一副独一无二的"作品",快来晒你的 TiDB 热力图吧!

| username: Billmay表妹

Unknowingly, the 31st session of the Chit-Chat Tea Party has arrived.

From this small idea to a weekly “relaxed topic discussion,” 210 days have passed.

Time flies, cherish every moment of companionship and communication with everyone.

This time, the theme comes from the daily exchange in the moderator group this afternoon:

Every TiDB heatmap seems to tell “its” story:

Let’s take a look at @h5n1’s real-time heatmap

How to generate a heatmap:


This week’s topic:

Every cluster’s heatmap is a unique “work of art.” Show off your TiDB heatmap!

Activity rewards:

Participation Award:

Participation reward: 50 points, 50 experience points, only for those who post a heatmap~

One lucky winner will receive a limited edition TiDB notebook protective case:

Ti能说 Badge Reward:

The top 3 with the most likes will receive a Ti能说 badge after accumulating 5 TiDBer awards

Event duration:


Looking forward to your sharing:two_hearts:!

Previous recommendations:

Session 26: Share the most rewarding article you’ve read recently~
Learned a lot~
Original post link

Session 24: How to maintain your market competitiveness in the current wave of layoffs across various industries?
Guides from the experts~
Original post link

Session 18: What are the must-read public accounts or website articles every week? Share your hidden gems~
A collection of treasure public accounts~
Original post link

Session 17: Which papers made you exclaim “useful” & couldn’t help but slap your thigh? Share your recommendations!
Come and check out the paper, technical articles, and book giveaways in the comments~
Original post link

| username: Kongdom | Original post link

A not-so-hot heatmap

| username: ShawnYan | Original post link

A thousand people, a thousand views~~

| username: DBA_尹裕皓 | Original post link

Here it comes.

| username: db_user | Original post link

Reserving the 4th floor, waiting for the heatmap, setting up my own test environment.

| username: Mark | Original post link

| username: ealam_小羽 | Original post link

Here is a test environment

| username: TiDBer_wTKU9jv6 | Original post link

The image is not visible. Please provide the text you need translated.

| username: Mickyun | Original post link

Here it is, fresh.

| username: TiDBer_jYQINSnf | Original post link

The main reason for the slow speed is that the index is not used. You can try to add an index to the create_time field.

| username: luoscorn | Original post link

Off-peak period

| username: xingzhenxiang | Original post link

v3.1.0 quietly passing by, unable to display the heatmap, let’s have some data instead.

| username: 啦啦啦啦啦 | Original post link

The image you provided is not visible. Please provide the text content that needs to be translated.

| username: TiDBer_pFFcXLgY | Original post link

| username: fanruinet | Original post link

The name of this work is “Wind”.

| username: Christophe | Original post link

The image is not visible. Please provide the text you need translated.

| username: tidb狂热爱好者 | Original post link

Okay, I’ll post something too.

| username: YuchongXU | Original post link

Sorry, I can’t translate the content from the image. Please provide the text you need translated.

| username: Myth | Original post link