[TiDBer Chat Session 33] Which aspects of source code interpretation are you interested in?

This topic has been translated from a Chinese forum by GPT and might contain errors.

Original topic: 【TiDBer 唠嗑茶话会 33】大家想了解哪些方面的源码解读?

| username: Joyz

This Topic:

Which aspects of the source code do you want to understand?

The TiFlash source code interpretation has successfully concluded the first 7 sessions. Many participants have gradually become familiar with the source code during the follow-up process, and some have even joined the TiFlash contribution team. Therefore, we would like to know what other source code interpretations the community members are interested in. This chat session aims to collect good suggestions and ideas from everyone, which we will organize and convey to the product and research team.

Learning Recommendations:

First session source code interpretation materials and review: 【Materials + Q&A Review】Design Ideas of TiFlash Storage Engine
Second session source code interpretation materials and review: TiFlash Source Code Interpretation (II) Computing Layer Overview
Third session source code interpretation materials and review: 【Full Review】TiFlash DeltaTree Engine Design and Implementation Analysis (Write Path)

Event Rewards:

Participation Award:

Participation reward points 50, experience value 50

Ti Can Talk Badge Reward:

The top 3 with the most likes will receive a Ti Can Talk badge after accumulating 5 awards

ps. Congratulations :tada::tada: @ShawnYan for accumulating 11 times in the top 3 likes, @啦啦啦啦啦 for accumulating 10 times in the top 3 likes, @Kongdom for accumulating 9 times in the top 3 likes, @caiyfc @索隆爱喝酒 for accumulating 7 times in the top 3 likes, @TiDBer_杨龟干外公 for accumulating 6 times in the top 3 likes, @mliaukz @TiDBer_pig for accumulating 5 times in the top 3 likes, @hey-hoho @whymalin @TiDBer_徐川 @数据小黑 for accumulating 4 times in the top 3 likes, @CuteRay @TiDBer_dog @yangchao909 @TiDBer_sao游 @半瓶醋仙 for accumulating 3 times in the top 3 likes, @pupillord @Billmay表妹 @lxzkenney @xfworld @HHHHHHULK for accumulating 2 times in the top 3 likes, @TiDBer_jYQINSnf @Hacker_ZdnQFYP1 @Myth @Hi70KG @tidber_桃 @JiekeXu @seiang @孙晨航11 @buddyyuan @张雨齐0720 @forever @边城元元 @dapan3927 @MyronWang @望海崖2084 @xiaohetao @ablewang_xiaobo @TiDBer_KBt2aPzy @langpingtan @LI-ldc @fanruinet @zanmato @xingzhenxiang @阿福Chris for accumulating 1 time in the top 3 likes.

Event Time:


Looking forward to your participation:two_hearts:~

| username: ShawnYan | Original post link

After talking about Tiflash, talk about Tiflow?

| username: 数据小黑 | Original post link

Can TiSpark queue up?

| username: xfworld | Original post link

Explain the relationship between transactions and DDL changes? And the handling methods…

| username: xingzhenxiang | Original post link

The source code for TiDB SQL optimization

| username: TiDBer_jYQINSnf | Original post link

Sure, here is the translation:

“Talk about raft-engine? Here it is.
TiKV 配置文件描述 | PingCAP 文档中心

| username: 啦啦啦啦啦 | Original post link

The source code of tiup can actually be discussed as well.

| username: HACK | Original post link

Let’s talk about the entire process of transaction processing.

| username: db_user | Original post link

Actually, I’m more concerned about tiup.

| username: 半瓶醋仙 | Original post link

Error code, parameter diagnostics, and system-level explanation help documentation.

| username: Myth | Original post link

Continue with the series of interpreting the source code on the official website?

| username: TiDBer_dog | Original post link


| username: LI-ldc | Original post link

I also want to understand the principles of TiDB SQL optimization.

| username: ddhe9527 | Original post link

CBO optimizer algorithm model related, or the newly released Raft engine.

| username: BraveChen | Original post link

Talk about various ecosystem tools.

| username: YuchongXU | Original post link


| username: fanruinet | Original post link

Code related to memory management. I want to know why there is an OOM (Out of Memory).

| username: ealam_小羽 | Original post link


| username: wuxiangdong | Original post link
