[TiDBer Chat Session 34] Nostalgic Moments: What was the opportunity that led you to first learn about and hear of TiDB?

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Original topic: 【TiDBer 唠嗑茶话会 34】怀旧现场:是在什么样的契机下,第一次认识&听说 TiDB ?

| username: Joyz

This Topic:

Nostalgic Moment: What was your first encounter with TiDB? Do you have anything to say to the TiDB community?

Late at night, I stumbled upon Teacher Fang’s first episode of Lao Fang Talks Numbers, and saw friends in the comments sharing how they got to know TiDB.
I couldn’t help but sigh, time flies so fast…
Now, whether it’s TiDB or the community, our team is growing stronger, and the community is getting better thanks to everyone’s contributions and participation :two_hearts:
What is the TiDB community like?
To borrow Teacher Shao An’s words:

This is my 261st day in the community, and I feel honored, often moved and warmed.

Everyone respects each other, helps each other, learns and communicates with each other.
This is probably the best image of the community in my heart :heart:

Event Rewards:

Participation Award:

Participation Reward Points 50

Ti Can Talk Badge Reward:

The top 3 with the most likes will receive a Ti Can Talk badge after accumulating 5 times

ps. Congratulations :tada::tada: @ShawnYan for accumulating 11 times in the top 3 likes, @啦啦啦啦啦 for accumulating 10 times in the top 3 likes, @Kongdom for accumulating 9 times in the top 3 likes, @caiyfc @索隆爱喝酒 @TiDBer_杨龟干外公 for accumulating 7 times in the top 3 likes, @mliaukz @TiDBer_pig @TiDBer_徐川 @数据小黑 @TiDBer_dog for accumulating 5 times in the top 3 likes, @hey-hoho @whymalin for accumulating 4 times in the top 3 likes, @CuteRay @YC1512216696 @TiDBer_sao游 @半瓶醋仙 for accumulating 3 times in the top 3 likes, @pupillord @Billmay表妹 @lxzkenney @xfworld @HHHHHHULK for accumulating 2 times in the top 3 likes, @TiDBer_jYQINSnf @Hacker_ZdnQFYP1 @Myth @Hi70KG @tidber_桃 @JiekeXu @seiang @孙晨航11 @buddyyuan @张雨齐0720 @forever @边城元元 @dapan3927 @MyronWang @望海崖2084 @xiaohetao @ablewang_xiaobo @TiDBer_KBt2aPzy @langpingtan @LI-ldc @fanruinet @zanmato @xingzhenxiang @阿福Chris @TiDBer_小小 for accumulating 1 time in the top 3 likes.

Recommended Compilation of “My Story with TiDB”:

Event Time:


Looking forward to your sharing :two_hearts:

| username: forever | Original post link

The first time was during the POC test on Alibaba Cloud, Huawei Cloud, JD Cloud, and Tencent Cloud. The database on JD Cloud was TiDB. At that time, there was an introduction, but I don’t know if it was from the original manufacturer. :joy:

| username: tjdagang1 | Original post link

The company’s business needed to create a data warehouse, and it was still TiDB 4.0 at that time.

| username: TiDBer_pFFcXLgY | Original post link

In 2019, I suddenly wanted to replace a large amount of MySQL.

| username: TiDBer_m6V1BalM | Original post link

Because of distributed databases, I got to know TiDB through indexing.

| username: Myth | Original post link

Because I got to know it through working in the distributed database industry.

| username: xfworld | Original post link

The story is just the beginning of the prologue. I believe more and more people will join us… Let’s encourage each other. :earth_asia::earth_americas::earth_africa:

| username: ddhe9527 | Original post link

XC is coming, starting to research domestic databases, and found that TiDB is very popular.

| username: 啦啦啦啦啦 | Original post link

I first came into contact with TiDB during the proof of concept (POC) phase, and I remember it was still version 2.0 at that time.

| username: Kongdom | Original post link

New product selection database: choosing from a pool of candidates, whether they are major or minor, I will select whoever I point to.

Message to the community:
Bigger, stronger, more open.

| username: 张雨齐0720 | Original post link

The first time was in 2017 when the project director mentioned TiDB, saying it would become popular in the future. So I looked into it once, and the first time I used it was in 2020 when I installed and deployed it myself.

| username: 孙晨航11 | Original post link

I came across TiDB during an offline exchange event in 2021, and have been connected with it ever since.

| username: Tank001 | Original post link

When you need to use a distributed database

| username: 半瓶醋仙 | Original post link

At the end of last year, on December 9, I wrote a report on the log4j vulnerability (log4j-2.15.0-rc1 version payload trigger) at Guanshan Kou, analyzing the impact of actual operations on the system’s running programs. I saw that the neighboring team had an open-source database TiDB and even loaded an open-source Apache Flink. This is incredible! I accidentally fell into a new fish pond dug by my old colleague…

| username: xiaohetao | Original post link

The company’s new project is using TiDB, getting to know TiDB 3.0.

| username: ti-tiger | Original post link

I can’t remember the exact time, but it should be in 2019 when I attended the Guangxun MES seminar. A handsome guy with gray hair explained the application of TiDB in Guangxun MES.

| username: LI-ldc | Original post link

Due to insufficient database disk space and increasing data analysis demands, we need to reselect the database. After a series of screenings, we finally chose TiDB.

| username: fanruinet | Original post link

The first time I heard about it was in Xuan Jie’s class.

| username: wfxxh | Original post link

The first time I heard about it was at QCon.