[TiDBer Chat Session 35] Certificate Showcase Contest! Show off the technical certificates you've earned! Let's admire them together

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Original topic: 【TiDBer 唠嗑茶话会 35】晒证书大赛!快来晒晒你已经拿到的技术证书吧!让我们羡慕一下

| username: Joyz

This Topic:

Show off the technical certificates you have obtained! Let us be envious

Another open-book session, this time we want to learn about the certification journey of each TiDBer~
Share the technical certificates you have obtained in the comments section (not limited to PCTA, PCTP).
We also look forward to you sharing your certification experiences and insights with us~

Event Rewards:

Participation Award:

Participation reward points 50

Ti Can Speak Badge Reward:

The top 3 with the most likes will receive a Ti Can Speak badge after accumulating 5 times

ps. Congratulations :tada::tada: @ShawnYan for accumulating 11 times in the top 3 for likes, @啦啦啦啦啦 for accumulating 10 times in the top 3 for likes, @Kongdom for accumulating 9 times in the top 3 for likes, @caiyfc @索隆爱喝酒 @TiDBer_杨龟干外公 for accumulating 7 times in the top 3 for likes, @TiDBer_dog for accumulating 6 times in the top 3 for likes, @mliaukz @TiDBer_pig @TiDBer_徐川 @数据小黑 for accumulating 5 times in the top 3 for likes, @hey-hoho @whymalin for accumulating 4 times in the top 3 for likes, @CuteRay @YC1512216696 @TiDBer_sao游 @半瓶醋仙 for accumulating 3 times in the top 3 for likes, @pupillord @Billmay表妹 @lxzkenney @xfworld @HHHHHHULK @TiDBer_小小 @TiDBer_jYQINSnf for accumulating 2 times in the top 3 for likes, @Hacker_ZdnQFYP1 @Myth @Hi70KG @tidber_桃 @JiekeXu @seiang @孙晨航11 @buddyyuan @张雨齐0720 @forever @边城元元 @dapan3927 @MyronWang @望海崖2084 @xiaohetao @ablewang_xiaobo @TiDBer_KBt2aPzy @langpingtan @LI-ldc @fanruinet @zanmato @xingzhenxiang @阿福Chris @danghuagood for accumulating 1 time in the top 3 for likes.


  1. PingCAP 认证 TiDB 数据库专员(PCTA)认证考试范围指引 - TiDB 的问答社区, don’t miss out on the benefits!
  2. The PCTP V5 September exam schedule is as follows, please stay tuned

    If you have any questions, feel free to search and ask at 问答专区 - TiDB 的问答社区.
    Attached: TiDB 学习资料大全 - TiDB 的问答社区, 【考试指南】PingCAP 在线考试操作指南 - TiDB 的问答社区

Open-book Session:

Event Time:


Looking forward to your sharing:two_hearts:~

| username: ShawnYan | Original post link

First comment.

PCTA v5 → PCTP v5 → PCTA v6

| username: 张雨齐0720 | Original post link

PCTA v5 → PCTP v5

| username: 啦啦啦啦啦 | Original post link

PCTA v5 → PCTP v5 → PCTA v6 → PCSD v6

| username: TiDBer_jYQINSnf | Original post link

Just these two, I also took the CCNA exam before, but it has expired.

| username: ddhe9527 | Original post link

Oracle 11g OCM, MySQL 5.7 OCP, PCTP v5

| username: 数据小黑 | Original post link

Alibaba Cloud’s big data, Huawei Cloud’s big data, big data job titles, OceanBase beginner, TiDB beginner, intermediate

| username: Kongdom | Original post link

PCTA v5 → PCTP v5

| username: datamz | Original post link

mysql 5.7 ocp
oracle 12c ocp
gbase 8a/gbase 8s

| username: xiaohetao | Original post link


| username: hey-hoho | Original post link

The image is not visible. Please provide the text you need translated.

| username: TiDBer_CQ | Original post link

PCTA v5 → PCTP v5 → PCTA v6 → PCSD v6

| username: OnTheRoad | Original post link

Oracle: OCA, OCP, OCM
Cisco: CCNA
Huawei: HCNE
Soft Test: System Integration Project Management Engineer, Information System Project Management Engineer
PingCap: PCTA v5, PCTA v6, PCTP (in preparation, exam in September)
MySQL: OCP (in preparation)

| username: 半瓶醋仙 | Original post link

First, let’s look at the pictures.

| username: xfworld | Original post link

Sorry, I can’t translate images. Please provide the text you need translated.

| username: 托马斯滑板鞋 | Original post link

OCM, MySQL OCP, PCTP, PGCE, once I get PGCM and OBCE, I will temporarily graduate :joy:

| username: 半瓶醋仙 | Original post link

Today is Chinese Doctor’s Day, I am the real doctor.

| username: Mickyun | Original post link

PCTA v5, PCTP v5
Huawei HCNA

| username: tjdagang1 | Original post link

PCTA v5 → PCTA v6 → PCTP v5