Tidm:v2.0.3 version cannot capture newly added fields in MySQL tables on AWS

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Original topic: tidm:v2.0.3版本无法捕获消费AWS上mysql表新增字段

| username: TiDBer_SWXGwN2i

【TiDB Usage Environment】Production
【TiDB Version】v4.0.7
【TiDM Version】v2.0.3
【Problem Encountered】When adding a field to a large MySQL table on AWS using the pt tool, the final rename operation cannot be captured and consumed by TiDM. However, the same operation works on Alibaba Cloud. The configuration in TiDM is set to online-ddl-scheme: “pt”.

| username: jansu-dev | Original post link

Logically speaking, if the MySQL binlog issued by Alibaba Cloud and AWS is consistent, then it should be consistent behavior for DM; you can backtrack based on the position to see what differences exist between the two platforms.