TiFlash Count Error

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Original topic: TiFlash count 报错

| username: GreenGuan

Has anyone encountered this error with TiFlash? The business scenario involves updating tabA and then querying tabA. I also saw related errors in the forum and feel this might be a bug.

Version v5.0.3
SQL statement, sometimes successful, sometimes fails.
SELECT count(*) FROM tabA WHERE (col1 = ?) AND (col2 = ?)

[conn.go:812] [“command dispatched failed”] [conn=2513039] [connInfo=“id:2513039, addr:xxxxx:15927 status:10, collation:utf8mb4_general_ci, user:bi”] [command=Execute] [status=“inTxn:0, autocommit:1”] [sql=“SELECT count(*) FROM tabA WHERE (col1 = ?) AND (col2 = ?) [arguments: (40895, 42976)]”] [txn_mode=PESSIMISTIC] [err=“other error: [FLASH:Coprocessor:BadRequest] grpc::Status DB::BatchCoprocessorHandler::execute(): contain duplicate region 8853780
SELECT count(
) FROM tabA WHERE (col1 = ?) AND (col2 = ?) [arguments: (40895, 42976)]”]

| username: h5n1 | Original post link

It seems to be this one.

| username: GreenGuan | Original post link

It looks like it was fixed after version 5.1.

| username: system | Original post link

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