This topic has been translated from a Chinese forum by GPT and might contain errors.Original topic: 连续三天出现tiflash整体异常,报错大概为

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This topic has been translated from a Chinese forum by GPT and might contain errors.Original topic: 连续三天出现tiflash整体异常,报错大概为
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Version: 7.5.0
The TiFlash engine always encounters the issue of not being able to find the physical table at around 2 AM.
I have posted the detailed log in the group. Could you please take a look?
There might be an issue with the TiFlash replica of a certain table. It is recommended to locate the corresponding table and remove the TiFlash replica first.
Can the business SQL access be executed normally when this problem occurs?
Judging by the error, it seems that the physical database or table no longer exists. Check if the database has already been deleted.
Failed to retrieve table and database metadata, check if TIKV and PD are functioning properly.