
This topic has been translated from a Chinese forum by GPT and might contain errors.

Original topic: tikv-ctl

| username: TiDBer_VptqKbTd

  1. Can Java clients read and write if only TiKV is compiled and PD is not compiled?
  2. After compiling TiKV, the command line shows “command not found” when entering tikv-ctl. How can this be resolved?
| username: xfworld | Original post link

TiKV must have PD to work…

| username: hey-hoho | Original post link

  1. You can check the usage of RawKV, but it needs to be used together with PD.
  2. tikv-ctl and tikv-server are separate; tikv-ctl needs to be compiled separately. tikv/cmd at master · tikv/tikv · GitHub
| username: TiDBer_VptqKbTd | Original post link

When compiling TiKV, tikv-ctl and tikv-ctl.d are generated in target/debug/. Does this mean the compilation is complete? Then running cargo run shows tikv-ctl and tikv-server, but running the tikv-ctl command line shows that the command line is not found. Is there a step missing, or did something not compile successfully?

| username: TiDBer_VptqKbTd | Original post link

May I ask if there is a good solution for not being able to access pd.git when using git clone? I have tried proxies and other methods, but it still reports an error.

| username: TiDBer_VptqKbTd | Original post link

bash: tikv-ctl: command not found…

| username: xfworld | Original post link

Pull to Gitee, then git clone…

| username: hey-hoho | Original post link

Try ./tikv-ctl --to-escaped 0xaaff

| username: hey-hoho | Original post link

What is the reason for the git error?

| username: hey-hoho | Original post link

I just tried pulling the PD repository, and indeed there were some instability issues. Trying a few more times should work.

heao@LAPTOP-R23HQTUJ MINGW64 /e/heao/git
$ git clone https://github.com/tikv/pd
Cloning into 'pd'...
fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/tikv/pd/': Failed to connect to github.com port 443 after 21053 ms: Couldn't connect to server

heao@LAPTOP-R23HQTUJ MINGW64 /e/heao/git
$ git clone https://github.com/tikv/pd
Cloning into 'pd'...
fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/tikv/pd/': Failed to connect to github.com port 443 after 21119 ms: Couldn't connect to server

heao@LAPTOP-R23HQTUJ MINGW64 /e/heao/git
$ git clone https://github.com/tikv/pd
Cloning into 'pd'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 55856, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (363/363), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (277/277), done.
remote: Total 55856 (delta 138), reused 195 (delta 69), pack-reused 55493
Receiving objects: 100% (55856/55856), 34.56 MiB | 582.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (39211/39211), done.
| username: TiDBer_VptqKbTd | Original post link

[yue@localhost ~]$ git clone GitHub - tikv/pd: Placement driver for TiKV
Cloning into ‘pd’…
error: RPC failed; result=35, HTTP code = 0
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
[yue@localhost ~]$ git clone GitHub - tikv/pd: Placement driver for TiKV
Cloning into ‘pd’…
fatal: unable to access ‘GitHub - tikv/pd: Placement driver for TiKV’: Failed connect to github.com:443; Connection refused
[yue@localhost ~]$ git clone GitHub - tikv/pd: Placement driver for TiKV
Cloning into ‘pd’…
fatal: unable to access ‘GitHub - tikv/pd: Placement driver for TiKV’: Failed connect to github.com:443; Connection refused
[yue@localhost ~]$ git clone GitHub - tikv/pd: Placement driver for TiKV
Cloning into ‘pd’…
fatal: unable to access ‘GitHub - tikv/pd: Placement driver for TiKV’: Failed connect to github.com:443; Connection refused
[yue@localhost ~]$ git clone GitHub - tikv/pd: Placement driver for TiKV
Cloning into ‘pd’…
fatal: unable to access ‘GitHub - tikv/pd: Placement driver for TiKV’: Failed connect to github.com:443; Connection refused
[yue@localhost ~]$

| username: TiDBer_VptqKbTd | Original post link

Are there any other methods?

| username: tidb菜鸟一只 | Original post link

git clone https://ghproxy.com/https://github.com/tikv/pd
Sometimes there are issues accessing the GitHub address, adding a proxy solves it.

| username: system | Original post link

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