This topic has been translated from a Chinese forum by GPT and might contain errors.Original topic: [tinykv] 关于 RegionTaskApply 中的 start key 和 end key
In the ApplySnapshot function, a RegionTaskApply needs to be scheduled for the snap runner. For RegionTaskApply, the start key and end key need to be specified. Are the start key and end key here corresponding to the old region’s start key and end key, or the start key and end key specified in the snapshot’s region?
The comment for RegionTaskApply says: “StartKey and EndKey are origin region’s range, it’s used to clean up certain range of region before applying snapshot.” So my understanding is that they correspond to the old region’s start key and end key, and all tests for 2C have passed.
However, even if I set them to the start key and end key specified in the snapshot’s region, the tests still pass.