TiUniManager Cluster Creation Indicates Insufficient Inventory

This topic has been translated from a Chinese forum by GPT and might contain errors.

Original topic: TiUniManager 创建集群提示库存不足

| username: TiDBer_r0mzuXv7

Imported the host, but when creating the cluster, it always prompts insufficient inventory regardless of the configuration selected. I have also referred to the posts of successful deployments in the forum and the operations in the official video, but it still doesn’t work. What is the validation logic here, and how can it be modified?

| username: TiDBer_r0mzuXv7 | Original post link

Supplement the host’s infographic and navigation configuration

| username: yilong | Original post link

  1. Which version are you using? Tiunimanager?
  2. Can you share the specific configuration YAML file?
| username: TiDBer_r0mzuXv7 | Original post link

After reviewing the platform’s source code, the issue has been resolved. The Arch information for the host in the import needs to be filled in as X86_64 and not ARM64. ZoneID and RackID also need to correspond to the information filled in the wizard.

| username: system | Original post link

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