TiUP Bench TPC-C Test Error: statement.go:54: invalid connection

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Original topic: tiup bench tpcc测试报错:statement.go:54: invalid connection

| username: TiDBer_M9buM6Mw

Deploy TiDB 6.0 single node using tiup.

tiup bench tpcc -D tpcc --warehouses 3000 prepare --parts 10 --threads 15;

tiup bench tpcc -D tpcc --warehouses 3000 run --time 1200s --threads 1—runs ok, tpmc is 976.5;

tiup bench tpcc -D tpcc --warehouses 3000 run --time 1200s --threads 150—completed, tpmc is 30,000, CPU usage 47%, memory usage 75%, swap memory usage 100%. There is an error statement.go:54: invalid connection?

tiup bench tpcc -D tpcc --warehouses 3000 run --time 1200s --threads 300—completed, error:

[mysql] 2022/07/20 11:07:57 packets.go:447: busy buffer;

[mysql] 2022/07/20 11:07:57 statement.go:54: invalid connection

| username: songxuecheng | Original post link

Disable swap

| username: 长安是只喵 | Original post link

There is this check in the TiDB environment and system configuration check

| username: TiDBer_M9buM6Mw | Original post link

Swap memory is turned off, but it still doesn’t work. I saw someone raised an issue,

| username: 长安是只喵 | Original post link

Oh, then having issues makes it reliable.

| username: system | Original post link

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