Tiup check timezone fail [no PD found]

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Original topic: tiup check timezone fail [ no pd found ]

| username: Jennie

【TiDB Usage Environment】Production
【TiDB Version】v5.2.1
【Tiup Cluster Version】v1.10.3

【Encountered Problem】tiup check fail timezone [no pd found]
【Reproduction Path】tiup cluster check online-cluster scale-out.yml --cluster --user -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa
【Problem Phenomenon and Impact】
Check error before scaling out, executing --apply cannot automatically fix
timezone Fail no pd found, auto fixing not supported

  • Related Logs

timezone Fail no pd found

timezone Fail no pd found, auto fixing not supported

| username: Jennie | Original post link

When I rolled back tiup cluster to v1.9.0, the check passed. It seems that the v1.10 version of tiup cluster is not compatible.

| username: jansu-dev | Original post link

  1. Why does version 1.9.0 not have this issue, but version 1.10 does? Because 1.10 only started supporting → CheckTimeZone cluster: support check timezone by nexustar · Pull Request #1890 · pingcap/tiup · GitHub
  2. This is a known issue, and someone is currently fixing it. You can follow the progress of this PR. → fix scale-out check failed with 'no pd found' message by King-Dylan · Pull Request #1983 · pingcap/tiup · GitHub
| username: qqqqdan | Original post link

Latest progress: The issue with the Check time zone error has been resolved in tiup cluster v1.10.2.

| username: TiDBer_o0MXVuK4 | Original post link

Still not resolved, 1.10.2

| username: Jennie | Original post link

That’s right. I also noticed it after upgrading.

| username: TiDBer_o0MXVuK4 | Original post link

I encountered the same issue, and version 1.10.2 indeed did not resolve it.

| username: TiDBer_1DnQd0Wj | Original post link

I encountered it too, 1.11.0 still hasn’t resolved it.

| username: nexustar | Original post link

Could you please describe the issue in more detail? According to the commit records, there was a fix in version 1.11.0.

| username: OnTheRoad | Original post link

Theoretically, the new version of tiup has added timezone verification, but there is a bug. It can be ignored.

| username: system | Original post link

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