[Test Environment for TiDB] Testing
[TiDB Version]
[Reproduction Path] Error when trying to access TiDB Dashboard via public address
First, install TiDB according to the quick start guide
When deploying the cluster, should we use the specified --host? By default, it is, which is intended for deployment on a local computer. Our scenario involves connecting to Alibaba Cloud servers via the public network.
You are using TiUP Playground to generate the test environment. TiUP Playground listens on by default, making the service accessible only locally. If you need the service to be accessible externally, you can use the --host parameter to specify the network interface binding to an externally accessible IP.
Using the environment generated by Playground, that makes sense. I previously set one up on Alibaba Cloud following the standard procedure, and it was just a matter of opening the port in the cloud management console. With this method, you probably really need to specify --host as the external IP.