Unable to Upload to Clinic

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Original topic: clinic 无法上传

| username: Hacker_ojLJ8Ndr

[TiDB Usage Environment]
Production Environment
[TiDB Version]
tiup version 1.10.2
diag version 0.8.0
[Encountered Problem]
Collection successful, but an error occurred during upload. The cluster.json file is empty, error message:

| username: caiyfc | Original post link

Have you bound the Token?

| username: Hacker_ojLJ8Ndr | Original post link


| username: caiyfc | Original post link

Check what issue is indicated in the logs.

| username: Hacker_ojLJ8Ndr | Original post link

| username: caiyfc | Original post link

The latest version of diag is 0.8.2. Please upgrade it, then recollect the data and upload it.
tiup update diag

| username: Hacker_ojLJ8Ndr | Original post link

I upgraded but it still shows 0.8.0. Is there another upgrade method?

| username: caiyfc | Original post link

I also don’t know other upgrade methods. I just tested and found that it can be directly upgraded to 0.8.2. Previously, I couldn’t upload it. I asked about it and was told that the diag is not the latest version.

| username: srstack | Original post link

There is a bug in JSON parsing in v0.8.0 (upgrading to v0.8.2 will allow normal use).

| username: srstack | Original post link

Try using tiup list diag and tiup mirror show.

| username: Hacker_ojLJ8Ndr | Original post link

The upgrade was successful. It was previously due to the absence of the latest version in the local image.

| username: Hacker_ojLJ8Ndr | Original post link

Yes, the upgrade is complete.

| username: system | Original post link

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