Upgrading from 6.7 to 7.0 consistently encounters this wait. How long will it take to upgrade approximately 500GB of data? Does anyone know?

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Original topic: 从6.7升级到7.0 一致出现这个等待,500G左右的数据需要多久能升级完成,大佬们知道吗?

| username: Running

The main reason is that the default value of the tidb_distsql_scan_concurrency parameter is 15, which means that each query will use 15 threads to scan data. If there are many concurrent queries, it will cause a large number of threads to be created, resulting in high CPU usage. You can try to reduce the value of this parameter to see if it can alleviate the problem.

| username: Running | Original post link

Will this failure cause data loss?

| username: WalterWj | Original post link

It will not be lost.

| username: dba-kit | Original post link

Remember to manually set --transfer-timeout 3600 --wait-timeout 3600 later, as the default timeout is 300 seconds.

  tiup cluster upgrade <cluster-name> <version> [flags]

      --force                        Force upgrade without transferring PD leader
  -h, --help                         help for upgrade
      --ignore-config-check          Ignore the config check result
      --offline                      Upgrade a stopped cluster
      --post-upgrade-script string   (EXPERIMENTAL) Custom script to be executed on each server after the server is upgraded
      --pre-upgrade-script string    (EXPERIMENTAL) Custom script to be executed on each server before the server is upgraded
      --transfer-timeout uint        Timeout in seconds when transferring PD and TiKV store leaders, also for TiCDC drain one capture (default 600)

Global Flags:
  -c, --concurrency int     max number of parallel tasks allowed (default 5)
      --format string       (EXPERIMENTAL) The format of output, available values are [default, json] (default "default")
      --ssh string          (EXPERIMENTAL) The executor type: 'builtin', 'system', 'none'.
      --ssh-timeout uint    Timeout in seconds to connect host via SSH, ignored for operations that don't need an SSH connection. (default 5)
      --wait-timeout uint   Timeout in seconds to wait for an operation to complete, ignored for operations that don't fit. (default 120)
  -y, --yes                 Skip all confirmations and assumes 'yes'
| username: tidb菜鸟一只 | Original post link

When upgrading TiKV, all the leaders on it will be transferred to other nodes. The default timeout is 300 seconds. If there are many leaders, it is easy to time out. It is recommended to modify the timeout duration.

| username: Running | Original post link

After the upgrade, it feels like the performance of TiFlash 7.0 is similar to that of 6.5.