VSCode + TiDE Error

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Original topic: vscode+tide 报错

| username: Collen

[TiDB Usage Environment] Production Environment / Testing / PoC
[TiDB Version] 7.5
[Reproduction Path] What operations were performed when the issue occurred
Click “start default playground”

[Encountered Issue: Issue Phenomenon and Impact]
“/usr/local/go” is the installation path of Go, not the code path

[Resource Configuration]
[Attachments: Screenshots/Logs/Monitoring]

| username: ShawnYan | Original post link

You may also refer to the guide

| username: Collen | Original post link

It seems that there is no specific configuration mentioned for this part above.

| username: Collen | Original post link

This is the place causing the file not to be found, but where should this path be specified?

| username: Billmay表妹 | Original post link

Is this using TiDB for secondary development?

| username: Collen | Original post link

I want to study the source code.

| username: 有猫万事足 | Original post link

The execution path doesn’t seem right? This file is available on GitHub.

The Makefile also compiles it this way.

The yellow line should be the root of the PD project.
It is speculated that previously the three components might have been under one GitHub repository, but now they are split into three repositories, causing this issue.

| username: ShawnYan | Original post link

Hmm… How about trying to compile each project one by one first to see where the paths don’t match?

| username: Collen | Original post link

There is no problem with manual compilation, but it doesn’t work when using this tide.

| username: Collen | Original post link

The PD is normal, but the path of tidb-server is incorrect. Is it related to the tide plugin?

| username: ShawnYan | Original post link

Does it have anything to do with the pkg path?

| username: Collen | Original post link

What do you mean? What information needs to be checked?

| username: ShawnYan | Original post link

tide hasn’t been updated for a long time, but the TiDB server source code directory has been adjusted.

Here it is, -o ./bin/tidb-server tidb-server/main.go

But in reality, it might have changed to cmd/tidb-server

You can check the file directory to confirm.

| username: Collen | Original post link

Is it this one?

| username: Collen | Original post link

Is it time to submit this file now?

| username: Collen | Original post link

Got it, I’ve made the changes, I’ll try again.

| username: dba远航 | Original post link

Is it a problem with the environment variables?

| username: Collen | Original post link

The problem has been found, it’s an issue with tide.

| username: system | Original post link

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