What are the software and hardware requirements for simulating a production environment cluster on a single machine?

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Original topic: 请问 在单机上模拟部署生产环境集群 上对软硬件要求是什么

| username: TiDBer_JlY1JCJ5

May I ask what the requirements for the server are when simulating the deployment of a production environment cluster on a single machine as mentioned in the operation documentation? I couldn’t find it in the manual, which only has configuration requirements for development and testing environments or production environments. So, what are the software and hardware requirements for this quick start method?

| username: tidb菜鸟一只 | Original post link

Actually, it’s mainly about the memory. I think 4GB of memory might not be enough; at least 8GB is needed. Other aspects don’t matter.

| username: heiwandou | Original post link

You need to get a machine with a higher configuration.

| username: Fly-bird | Original post link

Single-machine simulated cluster, 16-core CPU, 32GB memory, 3 PD, 3 TiDB, 3 KV.

| username: TiDBer_小阿飞 | Original post link

Set up a virtual machine, allocate more memory, and assign more disk space.

| username: 小龙虾爱大龙虾 | Original post link

It depends on what you’re testing. If you’re testing SQL, you can just use the playground. For other tests, you’ll need some resources. I have six 2-core 8GB machines running 2 TiDB clusters, 3 MySQL instances, 1 Oracle instance, and 1 DM instance, etc.

| username: zhanggame1 | Original post link

I have tested it, and it requires about 12GB of memory. Any less and it is very likely to run out of memory (OOM).

| username: 大飞哥online | Original post link

TiFlash is not installed.

| username: zhanggame1 | Original post link

The minimum single-machine deployment can have only one TiKV, which means 1 PD, 1 TiDB, and 1 TiKV.

| username: TiDBer_小阿飞 | Original post link

He is not setting up a test machine, but simulating a production environment, which means a minimized production deployment.

| username: TiDBer_小阿飞 | Original post link

My test environment

| username: TiDBer_JlY1JCJ5 | Original post link

Yes, according to the documentation on TiDB 数据库快速上手指南 | PingCAP 文档中心, the section “Simulate Deployment of Production Environment Cluster on a Single Machine” requires a configuration of around 8GB of memory to meet the requirements for basic installation and SQL testing.

| username: TiDBer_JlY1JCJ5 | Original post link

So 8GB of memory should be enough to install and test basic SQL, right? TiDB 数据库快速上手指南 | PingCAP 文档中心, I’m asking about the configuration needed for simulating a production environment cluster on a single machine as mentioned in the documentation here.

| username: TiDBer_小阿飞 | Original post link

Simulations are all single-node, but in production, there are at least 3 nodes. It depends on what you want to do. If you are testing performance, you should definitely deploy more than 3 nodes. If you are testing functionality, a single-node test environment is sufficient.

| username: dba远航 | Original post link

2 CPUs, 10GB of memory, and a 100GB hard drive are enough to install and run an experiment.

| username: system | Original post link

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