Whitelist IP in TiDB Kubernetes Public Cloud

Hi guys,
Is there any way to add whitelist IP for TiDB that running in TiDB Kubernetes Public Cloud.
Because i try to add annotations to LB that bind to tidb. After edited it. The LB is automatically self recover by removing the annotations that I already added. Please help guide.

Yes, you can add a whitelist IP for TiDB that is running in TiDB Kubernetes Public Cloud by modifying the inbound rules of the security group associated with the TiDB service.

To do this, you need to add the CIDR of the IP address you want to whitelist to the inbound rules. This allows traffic to flow from the specified IP address to the TiDB cluster.

You can follow the steps below to modify the inbound rules:

  1. Log in to the TiDB Cloud console and select the TiDB Kubernetes Public Cloud cluster you want to modify.
  2. Click on the Security Groups tab.
  3. Click on the security group associated with the TiDB service.
  4. Click on the Inbound Rules tab.
  5. Click on the Add Rule button.
  6. In the Source field, enter the CIDR of the IP address you want to whitelist.
  7. In the Port Range field, enter the port range you want to allow traffic on. For TiDB, the default port is 4000.
  8. Click on the Save button to save the new inbound rule.

After adding the new inbound rule, traffic from the specified IP address should be able to access the TiDB cluster.

If you encounter any issues with modifying the inbound rules, please refer to the TiDB Cloud documentation or contact the TiDB Cloud support team for further assistance.

Already resolved, by adding annotations in tidb.service

Thank you very much

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