Why Do I Like TiDB So Much, Study TiDB, and What Benefits Has TiDB Brought Me?

This topic has been translated from a Chinese forum by GPT and might contain errors.

Original topic: 为啥我那么喜欢tidb,学tidb,tidb带给我什么好处了?

| username: tidb狂热爱好者

[TiDB Usage Environment] Production Environment / Testing / Poc
[TiDB Version]
[Reproduction Path] What operations were performed that led to the issue
[Encountered Issue: Problem Phenomenon and Impact]
[Resource Configuration] Go to TiDB Dashboard - Cluster Info - Hosts and take a screenshot of this page
[Attachments: Screenshots / Logs / Monitoring]

I remember my first encounter with TiDB was between 2016 and 2018.
At that time, I was working at a financial management company. I recall that Peng Qin was organizing community cultural activities, and the first meeting was held at Xihu Financial Town.

TiDB was also quite poor back then. We would gather to learn and receive free training on deploying TiDB, and they even provided food and drinks, treating us to a meal with public funds.

Understandably, I didn’t fall in love with TiDB just because of that meal. I just felt that in Hangzhou, in China, there are thousands of programmers constantly striving for their bosses, burning themselves out, and getting laid off by the age of 35. When I left Alibaba, my leader Chun Yan’s first words were that Alibaba no longer hires people over 35, advising me not to waste time and to find another path early.

Big companies are indeed different; they provide good food and drinks, assess you with KPIs, give you money and freedom, but they lack a true dream.

Many programmers have idealistic GPL hopes, wishing for code to be freely distributed without copyright restrictions. However, companies strictly control code, and what you produce during work hours belongs to the company. Open-sourcing is seen as leaking information, and occasionally, when a company open-sources something, it’s usually for management’s KPI assessments.
Refer to OB 0.53.
Fortunately, there was a free environment like Wandoujia that open-sourced Codis, a Redis cluster management tool. Our company used it, and although our business scale didn’t require a Redis cluster, the developers probably chose Codis to show off. I knew that a guy named Huang Dongxu wrote good software, and I always had a good impression of him. The key is that he open-sourced the code without seeking fame or profit, which was impressive.

During those years, I kept learning new knowledge. I studied TiDB, but since my company couldn’t use it, I forgot about it. However, I always knew there was such software that was MySQL-compatible and quite useful.
Later, another company needed TiDB, and it wasn’t me who promoted it; other programmers in the company wanted to use TiDB.
So, it was the power of open-source software that drove TiDB’s development. If only I knew about TiDB, I wouldn’t have been able to promote it within the company due to my limited influence. I’m quite risk-averse, but the success of Linux, the foundation of all our software, has already proven that open-source software can defeat proprietary software like Windows.
Naturally, TiDB can also defeat proprietary database software like Oracle.

You see, so-called proprietary software like Windows and Oracle still follows the path of free pirated software. Many bosses have experienced being fined heavily by Adobe for using pirated software. If Microsoft hadn’t tolerated piracy, Windows wouldn’t have become so popular.

So, when it comes to Li Yanhong’s Wenxin Yiyan, it might only surpass GPT-4 in ancient poetry because it’s not open-source :slight_smile:

From a personal learning perspective, mastering TiDB equips you with experience in handling large-scale databases on the internet, making it easier to find jobs in this field. Additionally, by helping others in the community, you enhance your own reputation, making it easier to find good jobs.

Moreover, teaching and solving doubts for others forces you to learn and understand parts you didn’t know before. It’s truly a win-win situation.
This might be the greatest joy TiDB has brought me: helping others and improving my own abilities.

| username: itfarmer | Original post link

:+1: :+1: :+1:

| username: Jellybean | Original post link

Starting from this time, you are truly a hardcore user.

| username: YuchongXU | Original post link


| username: jiayou64 | Original post link

Light up yourself and illuminate others.

| username: 呢莫不爱吃鱼 | Original post link


| username: zhang_2023 | Original post link

TiDB is indeed easy to use.

| username: zhaokede | Original post link

From 2016 to 2018, we were still on the path of de-IOE, starting to move to the cloud, and began using open-source databases and open-source development components.

| username: dba远航 | Original post link

I am also very optimistic about TiDB. Open-source distributed databases have great potential.

| username: tidb菜鸟一只 | Original post link

I got in touch with distributed databases very early on, and initially, most of them involved sharding. I was quite averse to sharding. Later, TiDB took a different path, and I started using it early on, but it was still quite late when I joined the community…

| username: terry0219 | Original post link

:+1: :+1: :+1:

| username: shigp_TIDBER | Original post link

Awesome, support.

| username: 成为一名优秀的DBA | Original post link

To teach, impart knowledge, and dispel doubts.

| username: 小龙虾爱大龙虾 | Original post link

In 2016, I didn’t even know what a database was. :joy_cat:

| username: 我是人间不清醒 | Original post link


| username: Kongdom | Original post link

image image image

| username: TiDBer_3Cusx9uk | Original post link

The original poster is really impressive.

| username: 濱崎悟空 | Original post link

Very thoughtful sharing!

| username: 濱崎悟空 | Original post link

Awesome, awesome, awesome!

| username: FutureDB | Original post link

Deserves to be called a TiDB enthusiast.