This topic has been translated from a Chinese forum by GPT and might contain errors.Original topic: TiCDC的changefeed配置文件中Topic为什么尽量不要用’.’
username: 涂风油精不耽误一库
Question: Why replace ‘.’ with ‘_’?
This topic has been translated from a Chinese forum by GPT and might contain errors.Original topic: TiCDC的changefeed配置文件中Topic为什么尽量不要用’.’
Question: Why replace ‘.’ with ‘_’?
It might be to better comply with Kafka’s naming rules.
Kafka’s naming rules:
, -
, _
or ..
Although a topic can contain a dot (.), when actually creating it, Kafka will replace the dot (.) with an underscore (_) and store it in ZK. However, if you encounter this situation, there will be a problem: topic.A_B and topic_A.B will eventually report a topic conflict because both will ultimately be stored as topic_A_B.
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