Will tables be locked when backing up a cluster or a single database with BR?

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Original topic: 请问br备份集群或者单个库时,会锁表吗

| username: TiDBer_qA6Fspth

May I ask if br will lock the table when backing up a cluster or a single database?

| username: xfworld | Original post link

BR is a physical backup, not a logical one, so it won’t lock tables.
The data will be selected in a snapshot manner to ensure consistency.

| username: 啦啦啦啦啦 | Original post link

It won’t lock the table. For the potential impact of BR backup on the cluster, refer to this link:

| username: 近墨者zyl | Original post link

It won’t lock the table. BR is a hot backup and directly copies the SST files of RocksDB. It’s best to mount network storage like S3 to prevent the local disk of TiKV from getting full.

| username: 胡杨树旁 | Original post link

Does logical backup with Dumpling lock tables?

| username: xfworld | Original post link

This is determined by the operator. It supports table locking and also supports snapshots.

| username: 胡杨树旁 | Original post link

Okay, thank you. I will check the official documentation. I haven’t noticed this place before. The default is to choose snapshot, right?